Chapter 2: Kasey

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The sound of banging just wouldn't stop. I roll my self out of bed and slip on sweat pants with my my over sized shirt I slept in. As I make it to the kitchen the banging stops so I turn around to crawl back in bed, but before I can take another is starts over again. A groan leaves my lips as my irritation builds. Stomping to my front door, I swing it open to Colin. 

"What the hell Colin" I yell. His cheeks blush in embarrassment, "Sorry miss. Your father had me pick up Knight" he lifts the leash to me. "Oh" I look down to the end of the leash to see my freshly groomed husky laying on the floor. Me not realizing Knight is back, obviously means I need more sleep. "Also here" he hands over a garment bag. I take it, "What is this?" He shrugs, "You mother sent it with me. She said she requires you to wear it tonight." I sigh remembering I have the horrid dinner tonight. "Anything else" I raise a brow. He shakes his head nervously, "No. Sorry for waking you Miss Jennings." I wave a bye and close the door once me and Knight make it to through the entry and the garment bag placed on a coat rack.

"Missed you bud" I sit down in the middle of the entry and pet him. Knight lays down and places his head on my lap. "You look handsome boy" I add as I kiss him above his nose. Knight was like my best friend. Yes, I had Bethany, but it could never meet how inseparable Knight and I have always been. Three to four times a week, I even bring Knight to work with me. We spent our weekends hiking or traveling to find new places. 

I bought Knight from a husky breeder during my second year of college. Only reason I got away with it was my parents rented out a apartment near the college. Took a while, but I convinced them to let Bethany stay with me the following three years. Two months into college is when I brought Knight home, but my parents didn't find out until they showed up unannounced. They were livid, but I told them it wasn't up for discussion. With that being the first time I stood up to my parents, they decided to let it slide, but not without warning not to pull a stunt like it again.

After undoing the leash and putting it on the coat rack, I head to the kitchen to find food. I turn on my radio and say my hips to the beat as I scramble an egg and toast some bread for breakfast. Knight stands next to me as always. "Wanna treat?" He barks in response. I go to my pantry pull out his canister of treats. I put the bone shaped goody on the tip of his nose. "Go!" At my command he tosses it up and catches it in his mouth. I pat his head, "good boy!" 

Leaning on the counter I eat here in the kitchen then places dishes in the sink. "What time is it" I mutter to myself. Since Colin woke me up from banging on the front door, I haven't checked the time once. I head to my bedroom to see the alarm saying its two pm. Shit! Only three house til I was suppose to report to my mothers house. My parents house was a good forty five minutes away with good traffic. Meaning I only two house to get ready before I should head there.

I grab my phone to see multiple text message notifications. The first one is from Bethany telling me she had just had the best lay in history last night and asking if I lost my v-card yet. I ignore her and go to the next text. Its from Trey saying 'Glad I met you last night. Can't wait til we meet up again." I smile and text him back saying, "Same here. Maybe you could tag along my next hiking trip." I grin just thinking about it. Third one was from my mother, 'Do not be late!'

I roll my eyes and decide to get a quick shower before I start getting ready. The quick shower ends up being a half an hour before I get out wrapping a towel around myself. I go grab the garment from the entry way then go back to my bedroom. I lay the garment bag on the bed and zip it open. I am surprised to see a gorgeous dress. Though I do think its to much for this occasion, but knowing my mother I don't want to deal with the drama that would come if I decline her request. 

I toss the towel on the bed and slip on my undergarments then the dress. It fit perfectly. 


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