Chapter 13:Kasey & Jacob

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"What are you doing here mom?" She looks me over from head to toe, "Riding again I see?" Ignoring a comment I repeat myself. "What are you doing here?" I notice Jacob watching me like a hawk. "You need to come back dear. There is a meeting where the business partner has requested to meet with you since you were the one who made the deal with him" she explains showing no emotion on her facial features.

"I can make a conference call and take care of it. Just let me know who it is" I state. "Dear you need to come home" she states ignoring my statement. "No." She takes a step towards me but I take one back. "We agreed I had to weeks off to spend time with Jacob" I argue. "Well, we think you have spent enough time here. We need to back in Portland at the company" she grits out.

"You know what? I resign" I snap. I go to walk by her to go to the hallway but she blocks my way. "Like hell you will. You stupid child! You are suppose to be taking over for your father a few months after the wedding! Why on earth would you resign" she demands.

Looking to Jacob I notice him nod. He must be thinking the same thing as me. I turn back to the witch herself. "I am staying here with Jacob." Before I could realize what she was doing my head flings to the side due to the hard smack my cheek has just received.

I look up to see my mother, but instead Jacob was blocking my view of her. "Get out of my house" Jacob yells. The anger was practically steaming off him. He points to the front door. She goes to walk by, but stops to look at us. "You will regret this." With that she slams the door on her way out.

Relief that she is gone, I sigh. "You okay?" I feel Jacob use his finger to lift my chin, making us make eye contact. "Yeah" I whisper. "Do you want ice" he asks. I shake my head, "I don't think its that bad." He nods and walks over to the fridge pulling out a water bottle then handing it to me. He leans against the counter watching me as I take a sip of the water.

"I thought you said she never hit you" he asks with a straight face. I sigh and lean on the counter across from him. "It only happened a few times. All when I was in high school." Jacob runs his hand through his hair in frustration. "Why did you lie?" I set the bottle down. "Its not an easy thing to admit" I say just loud enough that he can hear.

He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me. "She has no right to ever lay her hand on you" he states. He pulls back and looks me in the eye, "I will make sure it doesn't happen again." A small smile comes across my face. "We will just avoid her, okay?" He nods in agreement.

I walk to my room and sit on the bed as I take off my backpack. "I was wondering if you would want to move into the master" Jacob says as he leans on the door frame. "Really" I ask surprised. He stands straight, "Only if you want to." I walk over to him and kiss his cheek, "Sure."

He wraps his arms around me and swings me me around. I laugh at his reaction. I grab my backpack then he leads me into his room. Well our room now. "So what did you do today?" I sit on his bed and pull out the shirt and sweatshirt. "I went down town and spent my town walking around. I bought a shirt and sweatshirt. Also got Nala a stuffed horse at the really cool kid store!"

He smiles and sits next to me, "I'm glad you enjoyed exploring today." I toss the clothes and backpack on a chair across the room. "I wasn't able to explore the park, but its defiantly the next place to explore" I tell him. "I can take you tomorrow" he says. "Really?" He nods with a large smile. He wraps his arms around me and we fall back on the bed. We end up talking until we fall asleep. Thankfully my mother was not brought up.


Jacob kept his word and took me to the park in downtown Bend. Of course we made a stop at the goodies, a candy bar and ice cream shop. He stated that he always stopped there before he made it to park. "How do you stay in shape when you eat the way you do" I laugh. He chuckles and pats his stomach with his free hand, "my job. It keeps me fit."

We walk through the park and make our way to a bridge. "Wow. Its stunning here" I say as I take in the view. "God, I would love a house up there. The view would be spectacular" I say in awe. "Well if you want we could always see what is on the market" Jacob suggests. I lean into him, "Don't worry about it." He wraps his arm around me and we continue our walk.

Jacob's POV

After we got our shakes we made our way to the park. We started at the closest to the shops then make our way towards the bridge, walking on the path by the water. We make it to my favorite part, the bridge. We stop to admire the view.

"God, I would love a house up there. The view is spectacular" Kasey announces. When she rejects the offer, I try to not think about it, but for some reason it kept nagging at me. We continue walks on the path leading around the river.

We eventually make it back it my truck and get in. "Thanks for taking me" Kasey says with a large smile. "Of course" I say taking her hand in my right hand. I look at her and it hits me. I get to marry this beautiful women in a little over a month.

We make it back to the house and after having a quick dinner, we both head to the bedroom. We take turn in the shower then climb into bed to watch a movie. She is in my arms as we decide to watch the other woman. Thinking she was asleep half way through the movie, I kiss the top of her head and whisper, "I love you Kasey."

Surprising me like always, Kasey looks up at me, "I love you too." She leans up and kisses me on the lips. She then lays her head on my chest and within minutes she is in a real deep slumber.

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