Chapter 23: Kasey

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"He will be here" Jessica says trying to comfort me. I nod simply, hoping its true but unsure if I believe it. I felt bad having her come along since she could go into labor at any moment, but she insisted on coming along. Matt, Grant, and Brandon are here as well. 

"Five minutes" Matt says as he walks up to us. We are currently sitting on the bench outside the court room. I nod and whisper my 'thanks'. "Have you heard from the boys yet" Jessica asks him. He shakes his head no. I lean over putting my elbows on my knees, face in my hands trying to keep myself calm. 

"Its time" Matt says. I stand up and follow Matt into the court room. I walk to the front of the room avoiding making eye contact until I am in front of my lawyer. "Ready Kasey" he asks. "As much as I will ever be Fred" I answer giving him the smallest smile.

We stand up until the judge says for us to be seated. "I looked over this file and there isn't much to be said. There is enough evidence that proves the charges against the defendant" the judge announces. "Judge, will I be able to represent my client properly" my mother's lawyer states. I notice my mother shooting daggers at me. I look away and pray that the judge doesn't waist time on this.

"No councilor. I've seen what is needed. Back to Sentencing. Beverly Jennings you are being charged with attempted murder twice, domestic assault twice, trespassing, and child abuse. Minimum of nineteen years" the judge announces. I feel myself relax into my seat knowing I won the case. "This is not over! I regret ever bringing you into this world you retched child" My mother screams having me jerk my head in her direction. "Get her out of my court house. Court dismissed" the judge tells the officers and smacks down her gavel. 

I don't realize I am crying until I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. "You okay Kasey" Fred asks. I nod, "I'm a free to leave?" He nods, "I will contact you if anything else comes up." I nod and grabbing my purse I turn around to leave, but am shocked to see not only Jessica, Brandon, Grant, but Ben and Jacob standing there waiting for me to join them. I feel the tears increase as Jacob opens his arms to me. I walk straight into to his arms, wrapping my arms around his waist. 

Without saying anything, we all head outside. Before we could make it the cars, I notice my dad standing in our way. "Kasey" he says softly. "Dad" I say trying to contain my roller coaster of emotions. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you before" he says full of guilt. "I can't do this now" I mutter. "Kasey I hope over time you can learn to forgive me" he says as Jacob leads me past him. I stop and turn towards him, "I forgive you, but I am going to need a real explanation later."

 Without waiting for his answer I start walking away. Jacob leads me to his truck. Jessica waves bye and gets into the truck with Ben. The other guys disperse into their separate vehicles.

When we get in the Jacob's truck. We sit in silence until Jacob grabs and kisses the top of my hand. "Thank you for being here" I say softly. "Matt says you doubted me" he trying to lighten the mood. A smile spreads on my lips. "I did, but you proved me wrong." He nods, "I'm sorry I wasn't there before court started." I slide to the middle of the bench seats and lean on his shoulder, "it's okay." Jacob kisses the top of my head, "I have a question for you." "What would that be" I ask turning to look at his face. "Would you be willing to let me take you somewhere" he asks. I raise a brow, "Where." He smirks, "A surprise." I roll my eyes, "I don't know how many more surprises I can do." I chuckles, "I promise that this will be a good surprise." "Fine" I mutter. "As long as its good" I add.

Jacob starts the truck and I notice he isn't heading home. "Where are we going" I ask. "Surprise, I told you" he smirks. "We are going now?" He nods, "I could be called back on duty at any time and I want to make sure I get some time with my wife." I stiffen at the sound of him leaving on deployment. 'I knew this from the beginning' I tell myself. 

"What about Knight" I ask. "He is staying with Ben and Jessica. He will be well taken care of" he tells me. I nod. This past few months has been the most I've been without Knight since ive gotten him. I'm defiantly going to make it up to him when I get home.

"How long till we get there?" He glances at me then back to the road. "Should be there in the next to hours." I nod and lean my head on the window looking at everywhere we pass. 


"Kasey, wake up." I slowly open my eyes open to see Jacob leaning towards me and moving my hair out of my face. Sitting up I look out the windows to see a cabin in front of where we parked. "Where are we" I ask. "A cabin outside of Sisters" he explains then gets out of the truck. He walks around and helps me out. 

"Its beautiful here" I say admiring the scenery. "I'm glad you like it." He grabs two duffel bags from the back of the truck then grabs my hand to lead me to the house. Once inside I am stunned at how nice it is. I was expecting a basic and outdated furniture and decor, but its been updated. 

"How'd you find this place?" "My parents own it" he says walking down a hallway. I follow him and we enter what seems to be the master bedroom. He places the bags on the end of the bed. "Are you parents upset with me" I ask. He looks at my with wide eyes, "What?" I shrug, "That I am not taking over the full company from my father. What has happened with Beverly?" He walks over to me, taking my hands in his. "No, they are very supportive. My parents were have their moments where they let money control their actions, but they have even more moments where they are the supportive understanding parents that anyone would want. It just complicates it having a large demanding company. My mom especially feels very upset at what Beverly has done" he explains. I nod unsure of what to say. 

I always assumed that his parents were as harsh as mine, but I can tell that they really care about Jacob and want him to be happy. I couldn't ask for better in laws. Without them I wouldn't be with Jacob in the first place. Though I will not give credit to Beverly at all.

"Kasey?" I look up to Jacob and realize I spaced off. "Ben just texted" he announces. I raise my brow, "something happen?" "Jessica's water just broke." "Oh my. Should we head back" I ask in a rush. He chuckles, "No. Ben said they will be there when we get back. Jessica demands that we enjoy ourselves. At least that is what Ben says." I giggle at his choice of words. Jessica was defiantly a stubborn woman. A stubborn woman I am glad to call a good friend.

"Well let's take Jessica's advice" I tell him placing my hands on my hips. "Advice? I though it was more of a demand" he chuckles. I roll my eyes playfully, "Maybe." Without waiting for him to say anything further I leave the room and explore the cabin. After looking around the inside I head out on the back porch. I notice a hot tub and instantly bolt back in the house to the master bedroom. Jacob is unpacking the clothes into the dressers. I walk over to him and notice he is putting my clothes away. I notice he is starting to put away my undergarments. He looks at me from the corner of the eye, but doesn't say anything. As soon as he goes to put my bikini in the dresser, I snatch it and hop into the attached bathroom.

Stripping out of my clothes, I toss it in a pile on the dresser. I pull on my black bikini and then head back into the master bedroom. Jacob is sitting on the end of the bed. "Finished" I ask. He nods. "Want to join me in the hot tub" I ask. "I was wondering if I was going to get an invite" he smirks. "Well if you don't want to then, I guess I'll-" I say as I start heading for the hall, but Jacob jumps up and wraps his arms around me. "Oh, how could I decline an offer. Especially when I get to see my wife in this" he says his eyes trailing over my body. I smack his chest playfully. "Well you better get changed." He laughs then pecks me on the lips. "I'll be there in a moment."

I walk out to the porch and open up the hot tub. I check the temperature and when I decide its decent, I climb in. After ten minutes I realize Jacob still hasn't come out. I stand up ready to get out to check on him to find him coming out of the back door. "You okay" I ask seeing a stern look on his facial features. He nods and joins me in the hot tub.

"I got the call" he states. "What?" "I'm deploying in six days." "You just got shot. How could they send you already" I ask. "Most likely I will get cleared when I arrive on base" he states. I look at him stunned. "I didn't think it would be so soon" I mumble. "Kasey, I promise I will come home to you" he says sits my on his lap and wraps his arms around me.

"You better."



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