Chapter 6: Jacob & Kasey

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The rest of the drive was filled with silence except a few odd noises coming from Matt playing games on his phone. "Trey am I dropping you off at home" I ask. "Na, the bar" he answers. "Same" Matt adds. 

I park out front of the bar then Trey and Matt get out grabbing their bag from the trunk. I notice Ben and Grant standing out front talking. When the other two join them Ben walks over to the truck so I roll down the window. "Not joining us" he asks. "Not tonight" I gesture to Kasey still sleeping. "Is she the" I cut him off. "Yeah" I sigh. "I thought you weren't going to go through with it" he asks trying to be quiet. "I thought so to, but we are" I answer. "We" Ben smirks. I shake my head as he laughs and roll the window back up. 

"Where are we" Kasey asks. I look over to see her sitting up and putting her hair up in a pony tail. "A local bar. Trey and Matt wanted to be dropped off here" I explain as I back out of the driveway. "Are you still okay with staying with me or did you want to stay in a hotel or one my friends house" I ask her. "I'll stay with you. We are suppose to get to know each other after all, right?" she smiles. I nod, "Right." 

It is another fifteen minutes drive before we pull into my driveway. Its a simple house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. I bought it four years ago after getting tired of living in a small one bedroom apartment. I turn off the car and look over to Kasey as she is taking in the house. 

"This is it" I say then I get out of the truck. I walk over to the passenger side and open the door for her and Knight. Knight jumps out immediately and she follows. "Here is the keys. This one is for the front door" I hand them to her. "I'll get the bags and meet you inside" I tell her. She nods and she walks away with Knight following her.

Once I unstrap the bags I toss them over my shoulder and place them next to the garage door. I then unload her motorcycle  and park it next to my truck. Grabbing the bags I head inside. 

Kasey POV

Walking inside I set the keys on an entry table. Looking around I'm shocked how homey it looks. I was expecting to see a bachelor pad, but instead it was neutral warm colors. I walk further into the room to see that it enters the kitchen and dinning area. Letting curiosity get the best of me I continue down the hallway. I the first room on the right to find a bathroom. Across from the bathroom I found a guest room. Not stopping there I go to the next to find a room full of exercise equipment and a desk. 

Leaving the room I walk to the last room which I am assuming is Jacob's room. I open the door to see a large four poster bed with matching dresser and side tables. "Like what you see?" I turn around to see Jacob leaning on the wall. "Sorry" I mumble as I start closing the door. "No, its okay. Have nothing to hide" he answers. "I put your bag on the bed in the guest room" he adds. "Oh thanks" I say as I slide by him in the hallway and walk back into the guestroom. Knight immediately jumps on the bed and lays down. "Shit" I mumble. I walk back in the hallway and notice Jacob has already gone in his room. I walk to his door and knock on his door. He opens it within seconds. 

"Sorry to bother you, but do you have any issue with Knight on the furniture" I bit my lip. His eyes go to my lips then back to my eyes. "No, its okay. He just needs to go to the bathroom outside. The yard is fully fenced and eight feet high" he states. "Oh, of course. Thank you" I tell him then turn to walk away. 

I'm stopped by his hand grabbing my wrist. I flinch in reaction and he immediately releases me. "Sorry" Jacob says running his hand through his hair. "I was just wondering if I could take you to breakfast in the morning and then if you would join me for a friend's baby shower" he adds. I'm shocked. When he thought I was sleeping I heard a him and his friend talking. He was less into this whole arranged marriage thing then I thought.


"Yeah. Sure" I manage to force out. "Okay.  Baby shower is at 11 so we can plan to leave for breakfast around 9" he states. "Sounds good" I answer then walk back to the room. I unpack my clothes into the dresser and hang a few of the nice clothes I brought. When unpacking my undergarments I wanted so bad to call Bethany and yell at her. Once finished I grab a pair of lavender laced underwear and my large t shirt. I check the time and realize I have been in the room for four hours now and its late in the evening. 

I take a quick shower and dress in the clothes I brought. Luckily my t shirt reached right above the knee. Noticing the lights are off I assume Jacob is in his room. I head into the kitchen and open cabinets til I find the ones with cups. Once I find a cup I turn around to see Jacob sitting at the bar counter. A scream leaves me as I drop the cup and place my hand on my chest in surprise. 

After realizing what had just happened I look down to see the remains of the now shattered cup. I hear his footsteps as he makes his way towards me "Shit. I'm sorry" I tell him as I bend down to start cleaning. "Kasey-." "Fuck!" I pull my hand away from the piece of cup I just attempted to grab. Before I know it I am being lifted in the air and set on the counter. 

"Stay here" Jacob says then disappears from the kitchen. The cup sliced the middle of my hand and was bleeding a good amount. I hold it over the sink  to my left trying to avoid getting on my shirt. He walks back in and places the first aid on the counter next to me. He then grabs a broom and dust pan cleaning up the broken glass. Once he tosses the glass in the trash, he puts away the broom and dust pan.

"Okay, lets get you cleaned up" he says as he opens the first aid. He takes a kitchen towel and pats it on the cut trying to clean it. "It might need stitches" he says quietly. "I'm going to rinse it off okay" he says like it was a question. I nod. He places it under the cold water and i instantly try to pull my hand away. He keeps it under the stream until he gets it cleaned.  He pats it with a clean towel. 

"This is so cliche" I mumble. "Cliche" he asks. "Yeah, where the girl cuts her self on the broken item and the man is to the rescue" I sigh. Jacob chuckles, "I see. Now that I think of it I do believe I have seen it happen in a few movies." 

"Now I can either stitch you up or I can take you to the hospital" he says. "You? When did you become a doctor" I ask stunned. "I am trained as a medic for the united states marines. This will be simple for what I normally do" he states. "Okay." 

"Do you want me to numb it" he asks. I nod. He pulls out more equipment. "Its nothing crazy just some numbing ointment. You may feel some pain" he states as he puts the ointment around the cut. "Okay, ready" he asks. I nod and look away. I wince but try my best to relax. Five minutes pass and he is finished and wraps my hand. He then begins cleaning up the supplies.

"Thanks Jacob" I say as I hop off the counter but wince realizing that I used my hurt hand. "Fuck" I say under my breath as I lean on the counter. I look up to see Jacob looking at my legs. I look down to realize why. When I hoped off the counter my shirt got ridden up and now that I am leaning on the counter its stuck at my hip. Now my underwear and from hips down are on show. I bite my lip and lean off the counter having the shirt fall back to its right spot.

I look back to Jacob knowing my cheeks are red from embarrassment. "Sorry" he says sheepishly. "I'm going to go to bed" I tell him and go to walk bye him. As I walk by him I hear him whisper  a goodnight.


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