Chapter 5: Kasey & Jacob

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Kasey POV

I feel myself jerk and my eyes fly open to realize I am leaning on Jacob with my head on his shoulder. I sit up slowly still in shock at the closeness. "Sorry" I say as I peek at him. "It's okay Kasey. Sorry about the pot hole" he says glancing at me then back at the road. I look over to see Knight sitting up and watching me. "Outside" I ask. Knight stands up and barks pushing his head into me. 

Matt shoots up in his seat. "Shit" I hear him grumble. "Sorry" I say sheepishly. Before I could say anything else Jacob takes the next exit off the highway. We pull into a gas station with a sandwich resturant. Trey immediately gets out and stretches. Matt gets out and leans agaisnt the truck looking like he still trying to wake up. Jacob looks at me, "Anything you want from inside?" "If you can get a bag of chips. The twisted fritos if they have them and a sandwich" I say as more of a question. He nods and goes to open the door but I grab his arm. "I pull out a twenty from my pocket and try to hand it to him. He doesn't take it and gets out, "My treat." I hesitate then nod realizing he wasn't going to change his mind.

Knight and I walk over behind the parking lot to some grassed land. Knight does his business while I take in the view. I sit on an old concrete divider and notice Trey walking over to us. "Need to use the restroom" he asks as he sits next to me. "No" I respond. "Are you sure. We have another two hours before we get there" he states. I hesitate, "maybe I should." He chuckles, "Probably." I look over to Knight. "Don't worry I will watch him" he promises. I call Knight over and command him to stay, so he sits next to Trey. When I make it to the building I look back and see Trey petting and talking to Knight. I smile and walk inside. 

After using the restroom of the gas station I walk out to almost collide with Jacob. "Sorry" I give him a small smile. "It's okay"he says adjusting the pile of food in his arms. "Let me help" I say grabbing the multiple bag of chips. He tries to object but I ignore it. He leads me over to the counter to pay. Thankfully they put everything in the bags making it easier to carry to the truck. When we walk outside I see Matt on the phone and as soon as we make it to him he hangs up. 

"What's going on" Jacob asks seeing Matt upset. "Belle" he grits out. Jacob pats him on the back, "We are here for you Matt. Just let us know if you need anything." I smile at how genuine he sounds. "I'm going to go get Knight" I tell them. Jacob looks around me as though he just realized I didn't have Knight then raises his brow curiously. "Trey offered to watch him while I used the restroom" I explain. He presses his lips into a thin line and nods. 

Walking back over to the I see Trey trying to coax Knight to follow him, but Knight looked at him like he was stupid. I laugh at his attempts to get him to move. Trey turns to me at the sound of my laugh. "How did you get him to listen like that" he asks amazed. "Surprisingly didn't take much" I say. I whistle and Knight takes off running to me and jumps up when he is in front of me. "Good boy" I rub behind his ears and he pushes head into my hands more. "Wow. I'm not sure who is luckier. The dog or the owner" Trey smirks. Someone clears their throat. We turn to see Jacob eyeing Trey. I roll my eyes and tell Knight 'down'. Without saying anything Knight and I walk back to the truck. 

"Hey Matt, do you mind closing the door once we get in" I ask him. He nods, "Sure." I climb in then Knight. Matt comes over and gets ready to close the door, but I stop him with my words, "I hope what ever is going on works out." A smile slowly appears on his face. "Thanks" he says then closes the door. He hops in the back seat behind on the drivers side. 

Looking out the front windshield I see Trey and Jacob arguing. "What do you think they arguing about" I ask Matt. "I think you already know" he states.  Though I am not looking at him I know there is a smirk. Trey and Jacob finally get back in the truck after another five minutes of going back and forth. I glance at Trey to see him give me a small smile and shrug. I roll my eyes at his response. As Jacob drives out of the parking lot I glance at him to see his knuckles almost white from grabbing the steering wheel to tight. I sigh and lean back in my seat. 

I know the argument was about me. I just wish it wasn't. Is Jacob jealous every time I talk with Trey? That could be the only explanation, right? God, I hope this week goes a lot better then what this drive has turned out to. 

Jacob's POV

Glancing over I see Kasey smuggling up with Knight  asleep again. I can't believe I lost it. The argument I had with Trey was pointless. I was jealous. As much as I hate to admit it, I was. Honestly it stills bothers me knowing Trey and Kasey have practically dry humped on each other at the club. Plus knowing he knows her more then I do. Yes, we went to high school together for four years, but we never once talked. I sigh, 'this is getting me no where thinking about this'.

"She is like a sister to me" Trey says softly, obviously trying not to wake Kasey. "A sister you got frisky with at the club" Matt chuckles. "Shut up Matt! Your not helping" Trey glares at him. "Truly, I don't see Kasey that way" he adds. "Okay. I'm sorry I snapped" I say running a hand through my hair. "Jealousy never looked so good on you" Matt chuckles. "I agree" Trey smirks. "Why do you say that" I ask them. "Because it means you really like her. You guys are getting married in two months. Who better to cause you to be jealous then your future wife" Matt explains. I run my hand through my hair again. "If you keep doing that you are going to bald by the time of your wedding" Trey jokes. "Ha ha" I say sarcastically. This week should be perfect, well of course if these bozos don't ruin it.



Pushed Together BK2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora