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~ Suki ~
~ day 16 ~
• J O K E R •

I watched anxiously, waiting for Cheyenne to come out of the dressing room. I was impatient, excited to see what she was wearing. She'd be in the lounge room with me for the first time, she was mine, and I knew that she would not disappoint.

"Are you sure about this, Boss?" I hear Frost say from behind me. He was killing my mood with his doubts. I had just gotten over my mistrust for her as much as I could, but it felt as though he was trying to instill it into me. I glare at him, angry because of his doubts and because he was distracting me from watching for her. "I mean, you only met her barely 3 weeks ago."

He was right, it has barely been 3 weeks, but Cheyenne has proven to be quite special. Different from every other female and there was something deep down that would not let me change my mind about this, about her. I didn't really want to, either.

"I'm sure," I nod, watching as a couple of guards detach the nameplate from her cage. It was official, now. She was my girl. I turn to him, feeling the warmth of excitement spreading through me. "She's better than Jessica and Cassidy."

"Jessica and Cassidy put out after a week, Boss." Frost reminded me. I chuckle, remembering that night, but it's quickly replaced with a frown when Frost continues to speak. "It's been 3 weeks and Cheyenne barely lets you touch her. How exactly would she better for this job than any of the other girls in the club?"

"She'll give in. Trust me, she can barely control herself." I assure him right a the lounge door opens. My attention snaps to the door and a guard walks in, Cheyenne directly behind him. A purr escapes my throat as I watch her enter slowly, looking around the entire room in awe. She was in the black silk robe that we gave every dancer, but it was wide open and I could see that she was wearing a lacy purple one piece, matching purple heels and her hair was straight down her back. She looked amazing and it was as if she knew that purple was my favorite color.

"Hello," I say, my voice low as I looked her up and down. It was hard to take my eyes off of her and I was fine with that. I didn't want to. She turns to me, an excited smile spreading across her lips.

"Hey," she says, her tone light. We hadn't seen each other in since I'd offered her the job, so a warm, argument-free greeting was in order. I wave my hand, motioning for her to come closer to possibly hug her. She walks toward me, a little pep in her step as she came to me. When she finally makes it to me, she gives me a soft kiss on the cheek, surprising the both of us. I smirk down at her, knowing that she had lost a little bit of self-control and she just clears her throat, doing her famous act of making it seem like it never happened. I roll my eyes as she turns away from me and begins to further examine the lounge. "Before I really start, I wanted to go over some things. Rules and whatnot."

"I'm glad you brought that up, I almost forgot about the rules," I say, following her down the small set of stairs and sitting on the couch. She looks at me, a chuckle escaping her. What was so funny?

"I meant my rules. I'm sure some of them can at least be negotiated." She sighs, standing in front of me as I begin to detest, but I'm stopped. My mouth waters as I stare at her in front of me, her robe open and I had an up-close and personal view of her outfit. Her legs, her curves, her body. I shake my head, realizing she was doing what she does best. Distracting me. No, no. I wasn't letting that happen. I had to maintain my own self-control, what little I had in the first place. "First of all, I-"

"Oh, no, no, no," I chuckle, tugging on her robe lightly. She swats my hand away, frustration masking her expression as she holds her robe closed. "You don't get to have rules, dollface."

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