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~ Loyalty ~
~ day 36 ~
• C H E Y E N N E •

"You can't quit now, Cheyenne," Angel groans, causing me to roll my eyes as I took my seat at the island between Suki and Ace. "I was just brought into this and now you're flaking out on the whole thing."

"I never said I was flaking," I state, narrowing my eyes at her. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Ace roll her eyes before bringing her coffee mug to her lips. "It's almost 10 o'clock at night. Isn't it a little late to be drinking coffee?"

"It's decaf," she corrects me, sticking out her tongue. I sigh, swinging back and forth in my chair. "He finally let you up in the lounge by yourself, no guards, no Frost, nothing and you just decide you're done. He's playing right into our hands and you want out?"

"You'd rather go to Belle Reve than suck it up and deal with the clown for another day or two?" Suki asks. I groan loud, over-exaggerated, bothered at their interrogation. I realize that by me quitting, I'd made it hard on us four. Me, the Ringleader, would no longer be around to conduct plans and they knew they couldn't do anything without my word on it. "So what he had a gun to your head? You're acting like that's not something you're used to."

"I never said we were done. I can come up with another plan. Just give me a week or two," I explain, causing all three of them to look at me as if I was insane. Honestly, despite my quitting, it could be quite easy to kidnap Joker, regardless of me being there or not. They were capable of doing it on their own, they didn't really need me. I was more worried about Joker's wellbeing. "You're acting like this is pushing things any further back."

For a month and almost an entire week, I knew this time would come. I knew that I would have to kidnap Joker. Now that the time was here, I was hesitant. I didn't want to hurt him.

Our plan was to drug him until he lost consciousness. Angel would give Ace a certain amount of drugs that we'd slip in his drink which I would make while Angel waited in the back alley with an unmarked car. Suki would sneak up to the lounge with me while Ace distracted the guards and we'd carry him out through the back entrance and get him to my place. What would happen afterward - to Frost and the other guards and the club - still had to be determined, but we'd make it work.

"Sweetie, you're acting like you have all the time in the world," Angel chuckles, reaching over and grabbing my hand. I look up at her, almost pouting. They didn't know the whole story. They didn't know why Joker and I argued in the first place and I intended to keep it that way. "If you go back, talk to him just like we planned, you can be free by the end of the month."

I squeeze her hand, thinking over her words. As much as I'd hate to admit it, she was right. I had to put my pride aside. "We are so close," Suki whispers, taking my other hand. I glance at her, my jaw clenching. I had to go back and pick up my check anyway. "And, sorry, but I'm a little too attached to let you just go to prison."

"We've got the drugs, we've got the car, we've got almost everything," Ace says, sighing patiently as she scooted closer to us. "We just need you. We cannot do this without you."

I look at all three of them who were watching me expectantly. These were my girls and they were all counting on me. They have been from the beginning. No matter the feelings I had for Joker, I couldn't let them down, even if I wanted to.

~ an hour later ~

I clench my jaw, walking into the club which was minutes away from opening for the night. The atmosphere was tense as the guards watched me from their spots all over the club. It made me uncomfortable and frustrated. I approach one of them, crossing my arms. "Where's Frost? I'm here for my check."

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