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~ Lonely ~
~ day 78 ~
• C H E Y E N N E •

"Wakey, wakey, Princess," I hear a voice chime in my ear, startling me awake. Griggs. "Good morning, beautiful."

I tense up my entire body, screwing my eyes shut at the gross smell of his toothpaste scented breath. "Unless you wanna end up like your buttboy across the hall, I would back the fuck off."

"Graham is fine. All he got was a busted lip and a black eye," he chuckles quietly. I could still feel his presence above me and I turn, finding him several inches from my face. "You should take some notes from him, actually. He is the model inmate."

"Hey," I hear a voice say from across the hall. I roll my eyes, processing through my sleepiness that Graham was awake. He sounded a little agitated. "Haven't you ever heard of personal space, Griggs?"

I was somewhat surprised by his attempt to defend me. Yet, it was also his fault I was being waken up 2 hours earlier than normal, only a few hours since I was awoken to be force-fed. I watch as Griggs glances behind him at Graham, who was now quiet, before standing straight before taking a few steps away from me.

"Up and at 'em, inmate," he orders, his tone now not so amused. "Breakfast is in three hours. Gotta get those rolls baked."

I pull the sheets off of me, glaring at him as I stand up. He rolls his eyes before forcing my hands behind my back and slapping some cuffs on my wrists. "I told you to be more gentle with the cuffs."

"I told you we didn't give special privileges, Cheyenne," he sneers, pushing me toward my open cell door. I stumble forward, too tired to snap back at him. I would just have to deal with the cuffs until I got to the kitchen.

I look at Graham, his biceps flexing as his hands grip the bars. He maintains eye contact with me, watching as I shuffle out into the hallway. Ever since the other morning, Graham and I had been on...better terms, considering I had beat him up. "Thanks."

He nods, watching Griggs behind me with a disgusted look on his face. I examine his face, noticing the tiny cut on his upper lip and the healing bruise around his eye. I was too busy examining Graham, who was standing there shirtless to pay attention to Griggs coming up behind me and pushing me once again.

"Be careful, willya?" Graham asks, shaking the bars roughly. I'm not fully awake and my nerves are shot from my lack of real nutrition, so the sound makes me flinch before my gaze wanders up to look at him as he looks between Griggs and me.

"I can take care of myself. Can't you tell he's scared of me?" I chuckle, feeling as Griggs pulls me along. He gives me a smile as I jingle the cuffs. "There's a reason he has me in these cuffs all the time."

I turn my head, but not before catching him smile and shake his head before he turns away from Griggs and I. We barely make it all the way down the hall before Griggs opens his mouth again.

 We barely make it all the way down the hall before Griggs opens his mouth again

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