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"Lil can" / lil xan for the win!💞😈

"He yanked you out of the fucking house and broke that kids nose with one hit!" Carla screeched through the other end, she had been going on about last nights events since I called her- 20 minuets ago might I add.

I rolled my eyes and put my stuff down on the kitchen counter of my house.

"Yes Carla I know it just so happens I was there" I said with a sarcastic tone and she smacked her lips.

"I just can't believe how crazy this dude actually is- you need to cut him off he might actually kill you!" She started to rant again but I could feel anger boiling up from how she spoke about Gus- she didn't know! She didn't know the real Gus- I don't even really know the real Gus! How can she speak so badly about him when she doesn't even have a clue or what he goes through- wait why am I defending him?

"Earth to Bri are you there?" Carla said snapping her fingers and also snapping me out of my inner thought debate.

"Yea I am- but oh shit I gotta go Carla I have to take my dog for walk, alright goodbye now" I said going to end the call.

"Oh alright well call me when you can- wait a minute you don't even have a dog you dumb bitc-" click.

I quickly hung up on here before she had the chance to chew me out even more. I sighed and set my phone down and rubbed my face with my hands.

Walking to the bathroom I immediately stripped myself from clothes feeling the need for a steaming hot shower.

I turned on the shower and waited for it to warm up when I turned around and finally took the chance to look at myself in the mirror, I gasped at what I saw.

My hair was tangled and messy and my makeup was smudged and disgusting, bruises formed on my upper arm and I truly did look like a hooker.

I cringed at my appearance and quickly looked away and got in the shower, I loved showers I feel like they're the only place I can truly be alone to think and be clean and alright.

I let the water cover me and brought my hands to my face slowly rubbing them over it as I looked down in hopes to feel a little cleaner.

I sighed as my mind continued to play back events from last night from Gus punching that boy to me holding Gus on the couch, random events kept replying in my mind making me feel so overwhelmed

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I sighed as my mind continued to play back events from last night from Gus punching that boy to me holding Gus on the couch, random events kept replying in my mind making me feel so overwhelmed.

I didn't understand why Gus reacted the way he did, he says he doesn't care then he does that! I've known Gus for a while now and he's never acted out that way towards anything usually he's just so carefree and with an "Fuck it" type of attitude but last night- well that wasn't the case.

After a while in the shower I finally got out and got dressed walking back out to the living room I turned on the Tv to rick and Marty then grabbed my phone seeing my notifications surprisingly blown up.

I went to the Instagram one first seeing since most the notifications were from there anyways.

@ xanxiety followed you + 54 more

I scrunched up my eyebrows not knowing who this kid was or why he followed me, I was about to dismiss it when I noticed another notification.

@ xanxiety mentioned you in a post

What the hell? Who is this kid and why would he mention me? I clicked on the post and my eyes went wide, it was the kid from the party!

What the hell? Who is this kid and why would he mention me? I clicked on the post and my eyes went wide, it was the kid from the party!

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382,596 likes 12,999 comments
Xanxiety lmaoo lil pussy broke my nose, it was fun dancing with you thoo 💔😍🤤 @ bbybri

Username81 NOOO my bby broke his nose ):
Username3 isn't that Bri bitch the same one who commented on peeps pic!?😤
Tanamongeau id still suck ur dick w a broken nose
User20 WOT THE THOT?^ and wtff who broke your nose?
Lilpeep pussy? Lmaooo nah come thru again and get ur ass beat, hands off my shit.
Username8 WTF IT WAS PEEP!? Who's he talking about!? What stuff👀👀 @ lilpeep
Lilpump daaMMMNN bro who was it I'll pull up rn 👊😤 and we'll take care of it bet.
Bbybri it was fun dancing w you too!❤️ srry about everything ):
Username Alr who tf is this wtf is this wtf is happening
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I set my phone and sighed what the fuck is going on?

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I have another chapter ready should I drop it ?😏😈


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