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I watched when the anger rose in Gus eyes once me and Diego broke apart then I watched as he shook his head dropped the microphone and walked away leaving all his fans in shock and confusion.

I pushed away from Diego leaving him shocked and confused as well, I pushed through the crowd and towards the way that I saw Gus storm out. I pushed into the door and watched as Gus walked down the dark alleyway.

"Gus!" I screamed out trying to get his attention but he continued to walk away.

"Gus please" I cried out running after him and grabbing his shoulder, he brushed me off and spun around looking at me with an emotion I couldn't read.

"What Bri? What do you fucking want" he shouted in my face which made me angry.

"Why are you yelling at me? Why are you yelling at me? You're the one who fucked me over! You broke my heart not the other way around" I cried out hitting his chest.

"I didn't do anything with her! She just came over and we talked and she took that stupid picture- nothing more!" He argued back but I shook my head not believing him.

"Don't you see!? She did that to make you believe something was going on, she did it to break us" he said screaming as he waved his arms his eyes turning an emotion I couldn't read.

"I'm fucking in love with you and you can't see that" he added his voice lowering  a little bit once those words left his mouth I felt myself become furious.

"Of course I can't fucking see it! That love is blocked by your constant lying and cheating" I screamed and he shook his head.

"I fucking love you, I don't want to lose you" he said as he looked me in the eyes.  I shook my head taking a step back.

"No Gus there is no fixing us, we're over" I said as I began to turn to walk away but he grabbed my arm stopping me in my tracks.

"No! You can't leave me I'll be nothing without you- I need you Boo" he cried out his voice sounding hoarse like he could burst into tears at any given moment.

I turned my head and looked away.

"No Gus, we're over! I don't want to be with you anymore, I won't allow you to hurt me anymore, you're a fucking asshole and you only deserve the worst there possibly is, you're a liar and a cheater- you're pathetic and disgusting- I hate you" I said bitterly as we made eye contact and I watched as tears pour down his face.

"Bri please" he started to say softly but I cut him off again.

"I don't love you, I don't care about you, I don't want you, I don't need you, you deserve to be alone because you're the lowest of the low. Everybody can give a fuck about you, but you ain't nothing to me." I said harshly and I watched as his hand dropped from my arm.

"Goodbye Gustav" I said bitterly and turned on my heels storming away.

I knew that I was lying, I knew I loved him, I knew I wanted him, but I knew that I couldn't be with him.

He was toxic, this love was toxic, a relationship couldn't form between us and it was something we needed to accept. I wiped the tears that feel from my face as I turned the corner and left to find Diego.


I dropped the to floor, I didn't flinch when my knees came into contact with the broken bits of glass that littered the alleyway floor.

The tears poured out of my eyes feeling never ending as I yanked at the roots of my hair screaming out in pure pain and agony.

She was really done with me.

I needed her, I knew I needed her- I know I need her. I stood up and punched the brick wall, a few specs of blood could be seen, I hit it again and again as I watch my fist disconnect and the blood become more and more visible, my hand stung but my heart stung more- I needed this pain- I deserve this pain.

I wouldn't kept going if I hadn't been yanked away from the wall. I was turned around by the person who yanked me and I looked blankly at them.

"Practicing ya boxing eh?" Bexey said with a half smile which made me shake my head.

He dropped the smile and grabbed my hand lifting it up to exam it.

"Yup that's fucked bro- come on let's take you to the ER" he said as he dragged me down the alleyway and towards the parking lot. He took me to his car and shoved me in the front seat then got in himself.

"Are we actually going to the ER" I asked as I held my bashed bloody hand with my other. He laughed and nodded pulling out of the parking lot and to the main road. I sat silently as he turned on the radio blasting a linkin park song.

We pulled up to his house and I looked over at him with a raised brow.

"Trust me this the ER but like ten times better" he said with a smirk while turning of the car and getting out which I followed.

We went inside his house and he directed me to sit on the couch while he went to get some stuff. A tall lanky girl walked out in a shirt and a thong, she casually walked over and plopped down on the couch.

"Who are you?" She asked eyeing me up and down which made me laugh.

"A man comes in your house with a fucked up gored up ass hand and the first thing you can think to do is check them out? Thots man" I said, mostly saying the last part to myself and chuckling slightly as it.

She flinched and shifted uncomfortably at my comment, she then stood up and walked away passing by bexey.

Bexey looked at her then back to me, he walked over with a box in his hands and sat down on the coffee table in front of me.

"So you met Harley, she's a little slut I picked up from some downtown club a while back, she's a regular call now" he said with a laugh shaking his head.

I nodded.

He opened the box and brought out some cheap looking gauze, he grabbed my hand carelessly and wrapped it, once he was done the blood instantly started to come through the white fabric.

"Now any old boring ER you would get some basic ass drug to help with the pain- but at hospital bex you get a little something better" he said with a smirk taking out a bag of xans. He handed me one and himself then looked at me with a devilish grin.

"Here's to broken hearts" I said numbly popping one.

(: updates to kills ❤️ show love for an update 🤞 love y'all

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