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My eyes widen as I watched Gus stand there smiling slightly something evil as he waved slightly, I could lie and say I was only a little scared but that would be an understatement.

"What the fuck dude?" Diego grumbled out as he looked at Gus and the fight that was occurring behind him.

I didn't understand how Diego wasn't scared- I mean last time gus almost broke his nose. I watched as Gus stormed outside walking towards us as smokeasac followed behind him along with Fat nick.

Diego stood up and brought me up with him as he held onto me. Gus stormed up and grabbed me pulling me towards him and glaring at me as he pushed me towards smokeasac and nick.

Smokeasac gave me a look of sympathy as I turned around watched Gus stair daggers into Diego who just stood there trying to look just as scary but was current failing.

"Did we have this discussion before shark boy?" Gus said bitterly as he stepped closer to Diego who stepped back slightly.

"I fucking told your ass- stay the fuck away from Bri she's mine" he said clenching his fist which I barely noticed was covered in blood.

"She isn't yours" he started but Gus quickly cut him off.

"She's all fucking mine" he said sending a punch at Diego catching him off guard and sending him to the floor.

Diego got up wiping the blood from his lip and punching Gus back. Within a couple minutes they were going back and forth until Gus had Diego pinned on the group punching him repeatedly in the face I watched as Diego choked on blood trying to gasp for air every time Gus detached his fist from his face.

I screamed out trying to break free but smokeasac / Dylan (IMA JUST CALL HIM DYLAN BC THATS HIS REAL NAME) and nick kept there hold on my arm.

"Please stop you're hurting him!" I screamed out as I thrashed around in there hold but nick kept a blank face as he slightly laughed at Diego and Dylan just gave me a look of sympathy.

"Gus please stop!" I cried out the tears streamed down my face as I begged Gus to stop.

Diego was now covered in blood but still managed to shove Gus off him and send him on good punch that immediately drew blood from his lip, gus laughed and brought his fist back sending it full force into Diego's nose where a slight crack could be heard as Diego fell to the floor unconscious.

Nick and Dylan finally let me go and I fell to the floor landing hard on my knees as I let the tears continue to fall I slowly crawled towards Diego and placed his head in my lap as I let my tears fall onto him.

"Why the fuck You crying for? I'm perfectly fine" Gus said he wiped his face and nick laughed.

"You're an asshole" I mumbled to him as I tried my best to wipe the blood off of Diego's face, he looked terrible and probably needed a hospital.

Gus turned around seeing Diego's head in my lap he stormed over to me and pulled me up.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" He shouted into my face causing me to only cry more.

"You're fucking mine" he shouted as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder in which I pounded repeatedly on his back screaming for him to let me down but he only ignored me.

I watched as we slowly left Diego's unconscious body on the ground and walked back into the house where Carla stood scared not knowing what to do.

She looked angry that Gus had me and was ready to stop him but I quickly stopped her.

"Go check on Diego! Make sure he's okay and tell him I'm sorry!" I shouted as Gus carried me away and she gave me a look of concern and nodded agreeing that she would check on him.

Gus carried me through the living- which made I add was chaotic as fuck, I'm talking a mosh pit of fighting broken glass and furniture everywhere and it didn't seem like it was stopping anytime soon.

Gus carried me outside and Dylan, Tracy and nick followed along with some of there other friends.

Once we got the car Gus opened the door and threw me in the back seat slamming it shut and going to the other side getting in.

I feel like this has happened before.

The boys got in also and Gus sped away from the house going way over the speed limit as he shouted harsh words at me telling me how wrong I was and how I was a whore and needed to know I was his.

His emotions were everywhere it was as if he was bipolar. By now I had stopped crying and was just numb as my mind kept going back to Diego and Carla and how I hoped they were okay.

The whole car ride was silent expect for His occasionally mumbling of profanities or something. Once we got back to his house he rushed over to my side and threw me back over his shoulder then went towards the house and to his room.

The fear started to grow inside me again as he took me into his room and threw me on the bed, I don't know what to expect and I was scared to say nonetheless.

"Why do you keep fucking leaving!?" He shouted and I flinched at his words.

I started to cry feeling scared and overwhelmed I just let it out and cried letting the tears silently stream down my face.

Once he took in that I was crying his whole facial expression changed and he gave me a look of worry as he kneeled down in front of me and cupped my face in his hands as he wiped the tears away with his thumbs.

"Don't cry beautiful" he mumbled as he caressed my face.

"Why!? Why are you screaming at me when I've done nothing wrong! We aren't together and yet you say I'm yours and I'm not allowed to communicate with guys yet I know you're fucking girls! Why is this okay? Why can you treat me like shit but I'm expected to care!?" I screamed finally snapping and his face turned and twisted into anger but once he saw my flinch when he opened his mouth to yell he quickly shifted back to concern.

He sat there quietly, probably trying to find the right words when finally he spoke up.

"Right now I know that I'm not really worth it, but give me some time and I'll work on it" he said softly catching me off guard completely.

He then did something that shocked me even mrle so, he broke down. Tears started to carelessly fall from his face as he fell down in front of me landing with a thud on his knees, he wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his head on my lap.

Without thinking or hesitation I placed my hands into his hair as I soothingly ran my fingers through his messy hair letting him cry into my lap.

"I just can't do this anymore gus-" I started but he quickly shot his head up his features changing completely.

"You can't leave me" He shouted his hands gripping my thighs causing me to gasp because of his long nails digging into my skin.

"You're mine" he said sternly giving me a look of seriousness.

"And I won't let anyone take you away from me ever"

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