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It's been a couple days since I visited Gus as the hospital but I knew he was getting discharged today, I knew that because he told me.

And by that I mean he actually texted me, I was shocked. Ever since the hospital thing he's been very weird around me, he's been texting me daily and keep the conversation going and I don't understand why.

I know most people would be happy but there's just something odd about this and I'm dying to figure it out.

On another not me and Diego don't really talk anymore, we at least we haven't talked much in these last couple days, and don't get me wrong I feel terrible because Diego was an actual genuine friend to me and he actually might of really cared.

I always feel like I should text him to give some closure or something but I find myself deleting the text before I press send.

Speaking of boys I felt my phone vibrate and I knew it was a text from Gus.

Jusss got home
Come n see
Me boo ):


I stood up and grabbed my  keys walking out to my car and to getting in to go see Gus.

Once I got there I scanned the front yard trying to make sure Tracy wasn't there which thankfully he wasn't. I don't think I could see him after what he said to me.

I walked inside and down the hall to his room, it feels like it's been ages since I've been here. I knocked on his door lightly to which he replied a short "it's open"

I walked in and and their he was laying there with his shirt off and his eyes closed, he always managed to look so good even when looking like a mess.

I slowly walked towards the bed making sure to slip my shoes off. I sat at the end of the bed and he opened his eyes slightly.

"Come here boo" he said as he sat up and pulled me down with him so I was laying snugly on top of him.

"Missed you" he mumbled.

"Missed you too" I mumbled into his chest back.

He paused for a minute not saying anything as he just ran his fingers through my tangled up hair singing and mumbling sweet nothings.

"I know that you like me, kiss me with your eyes closed" he sang as his hand went to my face cupping it and turning my head so it upwards and facing him.

I stayed silent as he continued to sing and hold my face in that position, now letting his thumb rub my cheek in a circular motion.

He opened his eyes and looked at me making a comment about my beauty then bringing my face closer to his so that we were only an inch away as he sang it again.

"I know that you like me, kiss me with your eyes closed" he sang even lower if that was possible.

He then brought my face closer and slowly connected our lips. My heart stopped in its tracks as he slowly began to kiss me, I had managed to forget the softness of his lips and how perfectly they molded with mine.

The kiss was so gentle and passionate I almost thought it was filled with love.

Do you guys like the new cover? I'm not exactly the best at making them but I like this one sorta ❤️

Dude I wrote this on the city bus so if it sucks then blame the tweaker on this bus 👏👏

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