Escape My Mind (Finn Wolfhard)

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Y/n and Finn had been best friends since they were young. Their parents were friends which resulted in Finn and Y/n being close. They always would play hide and seek or tag as kids. They would tell each other just about anything.

But, when Y/n was 12 her parents told her that her father got a better job opportunity, in America. Y/n immediately thought about Finn. She knew that she would have to leave him and she didn't want that. She didn't want to leave her best friend.

When she told Finn the news he immediately hugged her and told her that he would never forget her no matter what happened.

The day finally came. The movers arrived and began to take all the boxes and furniture. Y/n and Finn watched as the last box was finally put in the moving truck. Y/n turned to Finn and he looked at her sadly.

"Promise me you won't forget me." Y/n said putting out her pinky out to him. He smiled at her and wrapped his pinky around hers. "I promise." He replied and they hugged. "Y/n, we have to go sweetie." Y/n heard her mom say.

They pulled away and Y/n wiped some tears that were falling. "Goodbye, Finn." She said and he smiled weakly at her.

That was the last time she ever saw him. It had been 2 years later and she would always see post about Finn. She was beyond proud of his success with Stranger Things and IT. She had seen both and she was so proud of her best friend.

She hadn't been in contact with him but, she had always seen all of of his pictures on Instagram. She just wished that she could be there for him. She couldn't get him out of her mind no matter what she tried. She tried to think about something else but somehow it would always lead back to him.

She always thought what would've happened if she never moved. Would they still be friends? Or something more? She always kept wondering.


Y/n was sitting on the couch with her parents standing in front of her. "We're moving back to Vancouver!" Y/n's dad exclaimed with a smile and her eyes widened. She looked at her mom who was smiling and she looked back at her dad.

"What?" Y/n said softly and her dad just smiled wider. "We're moving back! Our old house has just been put on sale again and my old job says they want me back. They'll pay me more than this job ever could." Her said said excitedly.

"Now, you can see Finn again." Y/n's mom said and placed her hand on her husband's shoulder. Y/n sat in shock at the news and just thought everything over.


Y/n stared out the window as the familiar houses passed by. She saw kids she never saw before playing in their yards and smiles on their small faces. Somehow her old neighborhood seemed different but, it felt like she never left.

Her childhood home soon came into view and her heart stopped. She stared at it immediately remembering when Finn and her would play tag in the front yard. She got out of the car and looked to the house next to her.

Everything about it seemed the same. She looked over at the window swearing she saw the blinds move. She turned around shaking her head thinking she was just seeing things.

She then saw her parents go inside and then she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around. "Finn?" Y/n questioned as she stared at the tall and curly headed boy. He smiled happily at her and she began to cry.

Y/n then wrapped her arms around him and he wrapped his around her. "I've missed you so much!" Y/n exclaimed as she cried into his shoulder. He rubbed her back soothingly and pulled away from her with his hand on her cheek.

He looked into her eyes and wiped her tears away. "I thought you forgot about me." Y/n said sniffling and he shook his head. "I could never forget you." He muttered and then placed his lips onto hers. Y/n's eyes widened in surprise but then closed them contently.

They pulled away foreheads touching. She looked into his eyes with blush forming onto her cheeks. "I couldn't stop thinking about you. No matter how hard I tried." Y/n said shyly. "Sorry, that was really cheesy." She continued and looked down at feet nervously.  He grabbed her hand and intertwined her fingers with his.

"It's not cheesy. I couldn't stop thinking about you either." Finn replied and she smiled. They both stared at each in a comfortable silence, "Hey! We need help here!" Y/n heard making her jump. She looked over at her mom and dad who were struggling to carry boxes into the house. "Sorry!" Y/n exclaimed and Finn laughed. They both then ran over to help them.

A/n: I don't like this that much but, I hope you do! XD

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