Injury (Richie Tozier)

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"You know, of every possible thing that could've happened today, I really didn't expect to be wandering through an abandoned crackhead house searching for my dumbass friends." Richie exclaimed as Y/n and him were searching for their friends Eddie and Bill in the Neibolt house. They turned around for one second and turned back and they were both gone.

"Richie, not right now." Y/n sighed not wanting to here his stupid jokes right now. Especially, since their best friends were missing. He finally stopped talking as they looked around.

They then saw Eddie's head pop out of the mattress. Y/n screamed and hid behind Richie. "What the fuck?!" Richie exclaimed while Eddie smiled. "Eddie?!" Richie questioned and black sludge began to come out of Eddie's mouth.

"Holy fuck!" Richie exclaimed. They looked down at the sludge that was beginning to get closer to them. They then turned the other way  ran over to three doors that read, "Not scary at all, Scary, Very Scary."

They both looked at each other and ran to the Not Scary at all door. They opened it and Y/n immediately screamed. Betty Rimpsom's body hanged and her lower half was dismembered. (How do you dismember a waist?) Richie closed the door quickly and put his hands on Y/n's shoulders.

"Hey, it's ok. It's not real!" He exclaimed as she sobbed silently. She looked up and the doors disappeared. They both heard Eddie crying and screaming. They ran into the kitchen were Bill was. They both looked at the hideous monster that was about to take a bite out of Eddie's arms.

"Holy shit." Richie mumbled and It turned around with a smirk. It then ran over to them screaming and Richie grabbed Y/n he held onto her as he closed his eyes waiting for the impact.

Beverly stabbed It in the head and Y/n gasped. Richie opened his eyes and looked at the blood that began to float. Richie began to move over to Eddie and Y/n went with him.

But, It scratched Y/n's leg which made her leg begin to bleed profusely. She fell onto the ground sobbing. She held onto her leg trying to keep the blood from flowing. "You piece of shit!!" Richie yelled at It who just laughed.

"Guys we have to get out of here!!" Bev exclaimed. They didn't have to be told twice. Mike helped Eddie get out while Richie hoisted Y/n onto his back as they ran out.

"You guys go! I can't get her on the bike." Richie exclaimed to the rest of the Losers who nodded and cycled away. "Richie, I'm fine." Y/n said as she tried to get off his back.

"He literally took a huge chunk of fucking skin out of your leg! You're not fine!" He exclaimed clearly angry. Y/n grumbled to herself as they walked towards her house. She snuggled her head into his neck and sighed to herself.

She breathed in his comforting scent and closed her eyes. She could feel the tears beginning to fill her eyes from the excruciating pain going up her leg. She sniffled softly hoping Richie wouldn't hear.

They finally made it to Y/n's house and she handed him the key from her pocket. He opened the door and they headed inside. He laid her on the couch and she immediately wiped her face. "Are you sure you're ok?" He questioned looking into her eyes. "I'm sure." She replied and sniffled.

She was then pulled into a hug and she sat there in shock. "Don't you ever fucking  do that to me ever again. I could've lost you." Richie mumbled and she wrapped her arms around him. "You could never lose me." She whispered in his ear and he sighed contently.

A/n: YAY! I finally updated. Wow. I feel like it's been a while! Still in a little bit of writers block but hopefully this was ok! The ending isn't the best but what can you do?

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