Code Busters

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It was nice having the old team in Briarwood. They even helped us in the shop. I told Kira what I felt about Nick and she said I was in love.

Today, we were practicing on the Mystic Racers and I was distracted. I couldn't shake off that vision.

"(Y/n)!" I heard Nick yell and snapped out of my train of thought to hit a tree.

I fall down, but before I hit the ground, I feel someone catch me. I look at their chest to see a red suit. I look up at Nick and am glad that I was morphed otherwise he would have seen the blush on my cheeks.

Nick dismounts his racer and we demorph. Nick lands on his feet and sets me on mine. Our racers change into brooms and fall into our hands.

"Very good, rangers," Udonna says. "But, (y/n), you need to focus."

"Sorry, Udonna," I apologise. "I was lost in thought I guess."

"What about?" Udonna asks.

"Nothing important," I lie and Nick gives me a 'tell-them' look.

Nick is the only one who knows about my vision. I wanted to tell the others, but I didn't want to worry them. I mean, not every vision I have comes true, so why would this one?

"Well, that's enough Mystic Racer practice for today," Udonna says.

"Aww, come on," Chip says. "One more lap around the forest."

"Yeah, I'm just getting warmed up," Vida says. "I wanna see what this bad boy can really do."

"I'm afraid not," Udonna says. "It's time for elementary incantations."

"Boring!" Everyone except Maddy and I say.

"Hey, I think that sounds kinda interesting," Maddy says.

"Only to you, sis," Vida says.

"Well, you need to learn the incantations, so the sooner you start, the better," I say and I start to walk back to Rootcore.

"Udonna the Mystic Racers are amazing," Vida says and I tune out the conversation.

I kept thinking about that vision. I saw everyone except me get blown up and it looked like I was the one who fired the killing shot. I rescanned the whole vision to see if there was anything that could point to me not being the one to fire that shot, but couldn't.

Soon enough, we were back at Rootcore. Vida and Chip had left to go do something which left the others to study incantations.

We went inside and I grabbed my satchel. I headed towards the door.

"Hey, where are you going?" Nick asks and I turn to face him.

"I'm going out to clear my head," I say. "I'll be back in an hour or two."

"But, we have to study incantations," Xander says.

"No, you have to study incantations," I say. "I've studied them for three years before I left four years ago."

I walk out the door and go to the park. I sit there and draw.

Time Skip

I hear my morphers go off and pull it out.

"Hello?" I ask.

"There's a monster, we need your help," Vida says.

"On my way," I say and hang up.

I put my stuff up and run to the nearest tree. I put my bag on a branch before I go into the tree. I morph and see Maddy, Nick, and Xander come flying out of the monster's mouth.

Power Rangers Mystic Force: Nick Russell x Reader(BOOK 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon