Fire Heart (Suit combo 2&3)

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I can honestly say that I was not expecting that many people to read my book. At the moment it holds the highest number of reads. If you would like to see my other works, see my 'My Books' reading list. There are two Percy Jackson books on there, but they are the same story just from different perspectives. Anyways, on to the story!

Your POV

We, and by we I mean everyone except Xander, are at Rock Porium, putting up records. The order from me is me at the back, Nick in front of me, Chip in front of him, Maddy in front of him, and Vida in front of her.

"All righty," Xander says as he spins in his swivel chair. "Work the beat. Work the beat. Stocking doesn't have to be boring."

He turns around to see a cardboard cut out facing him and he jumps a little. Toby moves his head out from behind the cut out and Xander sighs in relief.

"Oh, it's you, boss," Xander says in relief as he stands up.

"Nice work, Xander," Toby says, putting down the cut out and walking in front of it. "I like the way you've got everyone working."

I give Toby a 'really' look.

"You are a born leader," Toby says and he turns around to get the cut out.

Xander turns around, smiling.

"Here that, guys?" Xander asks. "Born leader."

I shake my head as I sigh. The rest of us return to our work and Xander turns around to face Toby.

"Who's the old guy, boss?" Xander asks and Toby turns around, shocked.

"Who's the old guy?" Toby repeats and he motions to the cut out. "Guys, Jake Bonebreaker, the man who put 'metal' in 'metalhead', lead guitar and vocal on metal megaclassic 'Harry Hatchet'."

Xander shakes his head no.

"Okay, your lesson -- play it," Toby says. "Like it. Class dismissed."

Toby walks off and Xander turns to the rest of us.

"Guys, who wants to take care of the King of Metal?" Xander asks us.

"Not me," Nick and I at at the same time.

"Me either," Maddy says. "He's older than my dad."

"I got things to do," Vida says.

"Sorry," Chip says. "Heavy metal makes my nose bleed."

"Fine," Xander says. "Do it myself, like everything else around here..."

I snort and Nick turns around to face me.

"What?" I whisper. "He just sits around all day. We do the work unless it involves a pretty girl."

"True," Nick says and turns back around.

I see Xander take out his Morpher and point it at the cut out.

"Vivacim Erectu," he chants and the cut out comes to life.

"Hello, Cincinnati!" Jake exclaims in a British accent.

"Oops," Xander says. "There's a slight magical malfunction."

Maddy laughs and our Morphers ring. The rest of us walk over to Xander.

"Rangers, there's a very strong dark-magic presence in your area," Udonna says.

"We can't all split on Toby," Nick says. "V and I will check it out."

I see Jake playing air guitar and smile.

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