The Return/Mystic Fate: Part 1 and 2

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This is it. The final chapter of this book. It took a while to complete(AGAIN!), but it's finally finished.

I told multiple people tha I was going on strike, and I did...

For about three hours.

I just figured that I had tortured you guys enough with my erratic updates, so I will be taking a few weeks break to work on my new(and improved) Harry Potter's Twin Sister book that I changed a lot in the first chapter. So, if you're a fan of Harry Potter, go check that out when I publish it, which will probably be in the next few days or a weeks.

For the next book, I'm going to try typing out a few chapter before posting them, so that may be a while. Anyways, on with the final chapter of this book.


Your POV


We were at Rock Porium, explaining everything to Toby and him relaying it back.

"So you guys really are Power Rangers?" Toby asks and we all give different answers of yes. "Okay. Uh, Nick is the Red Ranger."

"Right," Nick says.

"(Y/n) is the (f/c) Ranger," Toby says and I give him a nod before putting my head in Nick's shoulder. "And Xander is Green." Xander nods. "Madison -- Blue." She nods, giving him a wink. "Chip -- Yellow." He holds his shirt out like 'Yep, and my shirt proves it'. "And Vida is Pink." She rolls her eyes slightly, like 'unfortunately'. "Okay, Nick is also the son of Udonna, the White Ranger, and Leanbow, a powerful wizard who is also Koragg, th guy who's been trying to trash the city. But he's really a good guy. It's just that nobody knows what happened to him. And (Y/n) is the daughter of Daggeron, Solaris Knight who also happens to be your mentor."

"I'm impressed, Toby, that's quite --"

"Ah, ah, I'm not finished," Toby says. "Now, Nick is also the Light, the power to stop evil from taking over. But the bad guys are looking for the Light so that they can destroy him and then destroy the world."

"Exactly," Chip says, smiling.

"Silence!" Toby says and Chip looses his smile for a second before it comes back. "Now, Leelee's mom is the Queen of the Vampires who really did carry me off, so I guess I can stop seeking professional help now."

We all laugh, Leelee joining in before stopping and giving Toby a sorry look.

"Sorry about that," Leelee says.

"And -- and -- and now, the 10 Terrors are here, trying to call forth the head honcho himself -- you know, the master of all evil," Toby says. "And you know what that means?" There's screaming in the distance and Toby and Leelee turn to the door as we look at it. Toby turns back to us and so does Leelee. "It means that you guys won't be working your regular hours for a while. Looks like it might just be me and Lee-squared for a bit."

The screaming becomes louder as the door opens and in walks Phineas, carrying white turnips and screaming back at them.

"You think you'd never seen a Troblin before," Phineas says, shutting the door and Leelee runs over to him, giggling. "Hello. I thought I'd stop by and see you, my girl." The others and I share a laugh as Toby stares at them confused. "Ooh, these are for you."

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