Hard Heads

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Your POV

We were at Rock Porium, helping costumers and dancing to music that Nick was playing.

"You know Vida is going to kill you, right?" I ask Nick as he continues.

"What?" he asks.

"I said, you know Vida is going to kill you, right?" I repeat and he shrugs.

Before he can reply the front door slams open and Vida stomps over to us.

"Good luck," I say and Vida gets on the stage.

"What's up, V?" Nick asks.

"You're on my tables -- that's what's up," Vida says.

"Oh, I didn't think you'd mind," Nick says.

"Yeah, well, you thought wrong," Vida says. "I do mind." She looks down at the table. "Look, I had the levels exactly where I liked them. Now they're all over the place, and this stylus is really sensitive. If you're not careful, you could ruin the needle."

"V, -"

"Okay, don't blow a fuse!" Nick cuts me off. "Technically, this isn't your equipment." "You've gone and done it now, Bo." "It belongs to the store, so we can all use it. Right, Toby?"

Tony turns around before looking at the CDs again.

"But I'm the one who takes care of the equipment," Vida says. "Right, Toby?"

"Well, uh," Toby says, facing us. "I, uh..." He looks at the CDs again and the others come over. "Anyone, uh, heard this new Cameron McIver CD?"

"Guys, guys," I say, getting on stage and stepping between them. "This is a ridiculous thing to argue about. Why don't you just apologize to each other and just drop it?"

"You're right, (n/n)," Vida says. "I'm willing to say 'sorry' if Nick does."

"No, no, after you -- I insist," Nick says and Vida glares at him.

"Well, I'm not going to!" Vida says.

"Guys, you need to cool down, okay?" Toby says. "So maybe you want to take it outside or -- I don't know -- but you're creating a real bummer scene in here."

Vida walks off the stage and Nick takes off the headset, handing it to me before walking off himself. I motion Maddy up to the stage and hand her the headset. She takes it and I follow Nick and Vida.

Those two are going to put us all in jeopardy.

Time Skip

"Why are you being so stubborn?" Vida asks as they walk in the plaza, me following. "Just admit you were wrong."

"Me?" Nick asks. "You're the one who jumped down my throat -- "Nobody can touch my tables"."

"Man, you didn't even check with me," Vida says and they stop as Nick rubs the bridge of his nose.

There's a rumbling and Hekatoid appears in his small form.

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