Legendary Catastros (Suit combo 1&2)

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Ninja Storm past: Udonna sent you to the Lunar Ninja Academy for training when you were 13. You had to lie to Chip and his parents about where you were going. You trained there for a month before you surpassed all the other students and teachers, so they gave you the Lunar Wind Morpher. You were sent to the Thunder Ninja Academy and met Blake and Hunter there. You were all orphans so they decided to take you under their wing. Later, the academy was attacked by Lothor and you left because the Lunar Wind Morpher is the most powerful of them all and if it fell into the wrong hands, the world would be doomed. You went to Blue Bay where you had heard their was a ninja school. Long story short, you met Shane, Dustin, Tori, and Cam there and they got their Morphers. A little while later, Blake and Hunter show up and are evil. You are very ticked off about this and when they try to destroy the Wind Rangers, you demorph and ask them why they are doing what they are doing. One of Lothor's monsters hurts you with a blast which knocks some sense into them. They join the right side and blah blah blah. You defeat Lothor in the end.

That was 218 words long, geez.

Your POV

We (all three teams, including Sensei) are in Rootcore and are just sitting around, doing nothing. It's pouring down rain outside and I sign from the table as lightning flashes and thunder booms.

"Gather round, Rangers," Udonna says from the Xenotome. "And hear the story of the beast stallion who's strength was know across the land --" She looks down at the book. "The legendary Catastros."

A 3D image of Catastros floats off the page and gallops into the crystal ball, neighing. The globe glows white as he goes in. The globe shows an image of Catastros destroying a village.

"Many have tried in vain to break the mightiest creature of them all," Udonna says. "But Catastros was stronger than a hundred men, and no one was able to harness his fearsome power. Catastros fled into the forest during the Great Battle of Good and Evil. But before the seal was closed... Evil reached up... And dragged Catastros to the lowest depths of the pit."

The globe flashes white again and the image disappears.

"That was the scariest story I have ever heard," Chip says.

"Tell it again," Chip and Dustin say at the same time.

"Even I'm a little freaked out," Vida and Tori say.

Everyone looks at them and they add,

"Just a little."

Xander chuckles.

"Well, I'm not scared," he says and the lights dim.

Then, thunder claps. When the lights turn on, we see Xander in Vida's arms.

"Just making sure you're safe, V," Xander says, patting her shoulder.

"I'm fine, thanks," Vida says.

Then, she drops Xander on the floor. Kira, Hunter, Blake, Tori, Shane, Udonna and I laugh. Udonna walks away from the Xenotome and Xander stands up.

"You guys can't possibly be afraid of a silly horse," Nick says.

"Make no mistake," Udonna says.

"Catastros is a force to be reckoned with, Nick," I say.

"But Koragg must have tamed him since he has control over him," Maddy says.

"Yes, for Catastros remains loyal to Koragg to this day," Udonna says.

"Don't you just love a good brainstorm?" Clare asks, walking over to us.

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