The Light/The Hunter

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Three in a row, wow. This is not gonna happen often people so enjoy it while you can.

Your POV

We were at Rock Porium. Maddy has been quiet all day and it's starting to get on my nerves. That girl has no reason to be wallowing in self-pity or sadness.

"What's up Maddy?" I ask from my spot beside her behind the counter.

"Yeah, you've been quiet all day," Xander says from across the counter.

"It's nothing," she says. "I'm just -- I guess I'm a little sad, that's all."

"Mm?" Chip and Xander hum.

"I know I'm a Power Ranger, but come on," Maddy says. "You guys are the ones that really, you know, lit it up. I don't feel like I did my share."

"Maddy, that's ridiculous," Xander says. "You're as much a part of the team as anyone."

"Yeah," Chip agrees and Maddy smiles a little.

"Thanks," she says, smile dropping. "But, um, let's get real here. Nick did the Catastros thing. Xander, you get all the spell codes. Chip, you saved Vida. Vida kicks butt. (Y/n), you have been a Ranger three times and keep us all from killing each other while you save the world. And I.."

Maddy shrugs.

"What about Jenji?" Chip asks. "You helped Jenji."

"As a friend, not a superhero," Maddy says.

"Maddy, we aren't perfect," I say and she looks at me. "If I remember correctly, I got turned into a stone statue and everyone had to come rescue me."

"After you saved me from becoming a statue," Maddy says. "Yeah. Awesome."

She walks in the back and I sigh.

"Well, that went well," Chip says, looking at Xander. "I think we really cheered her up."

They clasp hands snd I reach over the counter, slapping their heads. They get up and we go over to Vida.

"No luck," Xander says.

"Oh, who are you guys?" Toby asks. "Do you know what happened to my employees?"

"We're right here, boss," Xander says.

"Uh, no," Toby says. "I mean the ones who are never here for more than an hour without running off and not telling me where they're going."

"Oh, sarcasm?" Xander asks. "Well there's a simple explanation for that. Vida?"

He looks at her and she looks shocked.

"Uh, we like to go on... Uh, Chip?" Vida asks, looking at Chip.

"Oh, well, i-it's simple, boss... (Y/n)?" Chip asks and I sigh.

"We're the Power Rangers and we have to go fight the bad guys," I say, crossing my arms.

"Yeah, yeah, right, you're the Power Rangers," Toby says, chuckling. "That's good." He goes in his office. "Power Rangers."

Everyone looks at me as I look at my nails.

"What?" I ask. "The truth is always the hardest to believe."

Time Skip

We were at Rootcore. Udonna had called a meeting. Dad was walking around with a big burlap sack thrown over his shoulder.

"Oh, come on, Daggeron!" Chip complains. "You can tell us. What's this meeting about?"

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