4. First Day

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Ally's POV

It's nice to have these girls around. When I first arrived here I thought I'd have some crazy roommates and major problems. I was just getting mself prepared for the worst, which miraculously I didn't get. Thank Jesus. I find it quite amazing to have these three goofs as roommates and I like how open with each other we already are. I mean Camila coming to out to us yesterday morning made me feel great. It shows she kind of found some trust in us and that means we've become close in a few ways already.

Everybody's getting ready for their first class already. I've never seen so much commotion between three girls. They're running around here trying to get everything just right, exactly when I thought that Normani was he only neat freak. Camila finally came out of the shower with everything on and her hair still soaked while she towel dryed it. She was pushed down onto the end o fher bed by Dinah who rushed into the bathroom once she had appeared from inside. While falling, Camila acciently tripped Normani who had gone over to grab an extra towel, and she fell towards thr ground before I caught her and laughed at their sudden cluminess.

"You guys are a mess this morning. I told you guys not all wake up at the same time." I repeated from last night when they all set their alarms for 7 a.m. "So not fair, it's not our fault that we all have classes that start at 8:15! You're so lucky, Ms. 11 o'clock Culinary Arts." Camila yells. "That's a pretty long nickname don't cha think?" I chuckle. She shakes her head. "You're right, I like AllyCat way better anyways." She smiles. They all finish up their morning routines and finally began exiting our rooms. "See you guys around 12:30? We'll meet back here for lunch?" I ask as they walk down the hall. They all nod and put a thumb in the air signaling an agreement from their end.

Camila's POV

"So what class are you guys going to? We spent so much time yesterday discussing other things and less figuring out our schedules." I laugh. "I have Sociology." Normani says. "And I have Advanced Trigonometry." Dinah sulks. "Oooh sounds tough. I have music. That should be easy." I smile. "You're into music Mila?" Normani asks interested. "Have been ever since I was a little squirt back in Cuba. I like to sing and whatnot." I shrug. "Nice, I do too." Dinah says and Normani agreeing with her. "We should all sing together haha." I smile.

We walk further down out of our dorm building and soon enough, both Normani and Dinah are out of sight as we split ways going to our individual classes. My music class is 5 minutes away, I'm glad I woke up somewhat on time and have a good ten minutes to spare before class officially starts up.

I can't seem to somehow get my mind off of how beautiful this whole campus is. I'm taking in everything around me as I continue to walk and my phone buzzes in my pocket. I take it out and look at it, the ID unknown.

Unknown: Hey Camila, it's Austin from yesterday, I know its early but uh I was wonderin if I could give u that tour today during ur lunch break maybe?

He's nice. I guess it shouldn't be that bad to take him up on his little offer.

Me: Mornin Austin, and sure thing, I'll text you then ok?

Austin: Great! See you beautiful :)

I place my phone in my bag and make my way towards the building I assume to be the music building, I look at my schedule which i had placed in my hands and rea it off "Perkins Building, Room 29..." I trail off looking back up. Yep, Perkins Building. I walk in and roam down all the way to room 29 as I see that I was the third one to enter. Not late at all as I thought I would be. Pretty early if I say so myself. The bell rings and only about 5 people have come in since I have. Wow, everybody's pretty late huh? I get fixated in my seat as I look around to get a feel for the room and I caught a pair of already familiar emarld green orbs staring at me...

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