18. Be Mine

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Dinah's POV

"Mila! What the fuck?" I yelled at the girl, crouched down beside her bed after running from the Pizza Shack.

I closed the door behind me as I finally entered the room. She had her head in her hands and she was shaking it furiously while smacking herself in her temples with her palms.

"Mila! What's the problem? Why'd you run out like that?" I raise my voice, confused at her actions.

She wouldn't meet my gaze. She just sat there and started to take off her sweater and shoes. She threw the shoes almost with the same force that she did the night of her and Lauren's fight. I jumped a bit shocked at her mood.

She rips out her phone from her pocket and looks at the screen and chuckles sarcastically.

"Of fucking course." She presses a button and throws her phone against the wall.

"Mila calm the hell down, will you?" I shout as I stand in front of her looking down at her fragile yet angered state.

She presses her palm to her temples once again. She rubs the side of her head and gives a deep sigh. I hear a whimper from her mouth as soon enough, she starts to sob quietly.

"Man Mila...what's gotten into you?" I try again, hoping for any type of response.

"That song..." She whispers. "It was absolutely..." She looks up at me with tear stained cheeks as her bottom lip quivers before she continues. "It was beautiful..." She says. "It was fucking beautiful." She says more loudly this time. "It was beautiful...and it was for me." She gasps for air.

I lower myself down to crouch beside her and I come face to face with a broken girl. "Mila..." I start. "No. You were right. You were right Dinah." She cries. "I miss her. Of course I miss her and I'm just too damn stubborn to actually reach out to her." She runs a hand through her hair before continuing.

"Did you hear that?" She asks me. I nod, not quite knowing what to say right now. She's a mess. Its only because her own pride got in the way of her actually being happy.

"I'm sorry...I should have just talked to her. I should have just...texted her or called." She sighs deeply. "She wrote all of her feelings out and put it in song. She went up in front of all those people and poured her soul out on stage." She rambles. "And here I am...ignoring her. I'm a bitch." She spat.

"Stop. Stop Mila. You're not a bitch. But you know what you are?" I start. "A really stubborn ass girl." I laugh. I see her try to laugh along but her face just sinks again. "Now...I'm gonna say this once and one more time only...Talk. To. Her." I point at her.

Camila's POV

"I want to." I mumble. "...but what am I gonna say? Where could I possibly begin?" I ask her. "Mila just anything. No matter how differently you guys are handling your fight, something the both of you have in common right now is the need to talk to each other." She puts a hand on my shoulder and swipes the hair out of my face. "So close the space Mila...stop being so distant and go talk to her. You'll know what to say once you finally do."

"That means at some point I'll have to tell her about the Keaton situation..." I say through gritted teeth.

She rubs my arm. "Camila...after all you guys have built up from this past week of not communicating...I think you both have a LOT to talk about. You might not even get around to that...ya know, you might wanna chiddy chiddy bang bang before you talk." She jokes.

I gently push her and chuckle. I knew she wouldn't stay serious for more than a few minutes before cracking a whack ass joke.

"Thank you...for listening, and putting up with my mood swings and bitchy attitudes." I thank her. "You really are a true friend." I smile at her.

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