32. Only You

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Camila's POV

I stand there and run through the many options I have in my head...

I could act like all of that didn't happen and maybe she'll run along with it considering that today is suppose to be a happy day, or I can try to explain in hopes that she doesn't rip my head off once I do.

I look over to Dinah who mouths 'sorry' and once again holds up a finger and excuses herself, except this time, I think she's going past the bathroom and into Normani and Ally's room. I gulp and look back over to Lauren who is still waiting for me to say something.

"Heyyyyyy babe..." I nervously breathe out. Well there goes trying to be calm about it.

"Before I absolutely explode...please tell me what the hell he was doing in here." She speaks through gritted teeth, trying not to let her anger get the best of her. I swirl my tongue around in my mouth, trying hard to think of a good explination. Going with the truth more than likely wouldn't end well but I can't think of anything else at the moment and if I take any longer to come up with something she'll just think that I'm trying to hide something. She takes a big sigh and gives me a pointed look awaiting my answer, while looking like she would explode with fury at any moment now. It's kind of hot actually, her little stance right now. Damn, her annoyed face is the sexiest thing I've seen on a person in life. It's like she wants to tear me to shreds with her eyes. I noticed myself blantantly staring her up and down, impressed and aroused by her presence at the moment before I hear her clear her throat loudly, interrupting my thoughts.

"Are you seriously checking me out right now?" She asks clearly annoyed at this point. I snap out of all my thoughts and finally walk closer to her, taking her hand in mine. "Sorry, sorry. You look really hot when you're mad that's all." I smirk. Maybe if I play my cards right I can flirt my way out of this and we can leave without further questioning. She puts on a sarcastic smile and pats my cheek. "Oh really? Well I guess I'm about to be on damn fire. Now let's try this again...What. The. Fuck. Was he doing here? And more importantly...why does he still think he can take you out on another date?!" She yelled. Welp, there's no way to get out of this one.

"Okay, look. Dinah went to the Deli Bus because fliers were up saying that they started to sell pizza and she went to go get one. Austin was there basically begged her to let him come up here so he could talk to me because he's sad that I haven't really been in contact with him, so she gave him our room number and he came up a little after Dinah did a few minutes ago." I explained. I was about to continue but she cut me off. "Why would he be sad, it's not like he still has a chance with you, why is he still even tryin gif he knows you're not single?" She raises and eyebrow and gives an exasperated sigh. I put on a hurt smile, knowing the next words that flew ou tof my mouth could potentially ruin this whole day. "Maybe because he...doesn't know that I'm not single." She now has both eyebrows raised in complete shock as she takes a step back and puts her hand up to gather her thoughts before responding to quickly.

"So within the last month, you had him thinking he still had a chance with you? What the hell?" She says clearly infuriated. "No no no! I swear, I never strung him along to believe that he still had a chance. I've probably talked him all of twice in the last month and other than that, I've spent every waking moment by your side. I just never told him I was in a relationship is all." I plead stepping closer to her timidly. "You never strung him along? Camila, he's been trying to get in touch with you to rekindle some silly flame for the past month and though you might've talked to him twice, I'm pretty sure he still thinks good and well that you're single and interested. I walk in to see you two alone and he has his arm around your waist, what the hell was that all about? And why didn't you even bother to move away from him either." She says finally claming down but I can now see a trace of hurt on her face. "Lauren, it wasn't like that at all, Dinah was here she just left because she started choking on air." I try to explain. I see her raise her eyebrows and shake her head in confusion.

"Wait, I mean, she was taken aback by Austin's mention of wanting to have another date with me." I try again. "She definitely isn't the only one." Lauren shrugs. I walk over to her and grab both of her hands in an attempt to make her feel better, but I get the cold shoulder as she pulls away from me and looks at the wall beside her. I sigh deeply, seeing her obvious hurt. "Babe...can you please look at me. It's hot when you're mad, cute when you're jealous...but it breaks my heart to see you sad." I say softly. She slowly turns her head back up to me as I see the hint of a tear threatening to slip from her eyes. "Is there something I should be jealous of...?" She says with a trembling bottom lip. I shake my head almost immediately. "Look you know how I feel about you. Never think that anyone can ever take that away. I'm yours. I just don't want Austin to ruin this day." I say with pleading eyes. She shrugs and smiles. "I know, I know. It's just those memories from that night rushing back into my head. When he kissed your cheek. For once I felt like you were his. It was crazy to think, because I knew how you felt. I was angry you didn't say something to him, but I still knew how you felt. So seeing...that, kind of replay again...it kind of stings." She says letting one silent tear reluctantly fall from her eyes. I swiftly wipe it away with the pad of my thumb and look into her eyes.

"I'm sorry- look I'll just see you later alright?" She says brushing past me and going for the door. With her hand on the handle, I wrap mine around her wrist, preventing her from leaving. "Lauren, please. What about our date?" I ask with tears now threatening to roll down my cheeks as well. She shakes her head and smiles weakly. "I'll just pick you up later...we still have that dinner at your parents remember? I'll uh-call you." She says, kissing my cheek briefly before rushing out of the door before I can get another word out. I sigh as I press my back hard against the door and close my eyes. I press my hands over my face as I take another breath and shake my head. Igather my thoughts for a while and then I stand back to my normal stance. "That's it..." I mutter angrily.

I pick up my keys and throws on some converses as I rush out of the room and out of the building.


A/N: I know this whole chapter is in Camila's POV, I'm tryign hard to maneuver between everyone. I'll add in more of the girls point's of view and some others too soon. Thanks for the read! What are you thinking now? What's Camila about to go do? ;)

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