49. Nerves

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Lauren's POV

I heard a knock on my door the next morning, waking me up from my peaceful slumber. I sit up in bed as I wipe my sleepy eyes and sigh.

"Ugh, who the fuck is at my door this damn early?" I mumble before throwing my covers off of me forcefully and stepping down onto the cool wooden floor, trudging across the room towards the door.

With one last heavy sigh, I unlock the door and reluctantly open it to be met by a puppy dog faced Camila, in pajamas covered in pictures of pizza, holding her phone and her piano. Her hair is up in a bun and she has no make up on, looking naturally beautiful. I wipe my eyes once more before furrowing my brows in confusion as to if I'm seeing this right.

"Hey babe." She smiles widely.

"Um Camz...not that I'm not happy to see you or anything, but its 5 in the morning love. Why are you up?" I ask squinting my eyes.

"Well since you convinced me, well us, to think about performing on Friday, I've been up nonstop thinking about what we could possibly perform. I spent all night writing and finally started to put some music to it like an hour ago." She starts explaining as she walks into my room, setting her piano in front of her as she sits on my bed with her legs crossed.

"So Dinah and the girls got tired of me playing and kicked me out of the room so they could sleep." She pouts.

I close my door and turn to her, walking back to my bed and sitting beside her. I ran my hand through my hair as I lay down on my soft comforter.

"I'm really glad you're thinking about this but, you came here to sleep right?" I say hopefully.

"Of course not silly. I came because 1, I got kicked out of my own room and I have no where else to go. 2, I knew you'd let me in." She giggles.

"And 3...so you could help me with this song possibly?" She says uncertain.

"Oh, I'd love to help...in about 5 more hours." I sigh.

She hits my leg playfully and sighs while shaking my leg.

"Please! Wakey Wakey Lolo! Look, if you really want me to do this AND do good, help me out, because I'm really freaking out, what if I don't even do good?" She pleads. I now sit up to be eye level with her.

"Sounds to me that you've already made up your mind that you're gonna do this." I smirk. "Why are you nervous? You literally did this the other week." I chuckle.

"Well this song is really good actually. Its about how I've overcame all of these struggles I've been through. I think it also represents your story well too...maybe you can sing it with me?" She asks. "But the thought of even duet with you sends so many nerves through my body." She cringes.

"What kind of nerves?" I say seductively while raising an eyebrow.

She pushes me and shakes her head while laughing, but I grab her hand and pull her into my side.

"Stop it you perv." She giggles.

"No, really. Maybe I can help you relieve some of that stress." I whisper seriously while my lips press against her cheek, feeling the heat rushing through her body.

I hear a small gasp come from her lips as her chest begins to rise and fall at a faster pace. I trail my pointer finger down her right arm and smirk against her cheek.

"So how about you put that piano down over there, so I can do that, and you can help wake me up properly, so I can help you with that song." I say just above a whisper. I feel her shakily nod before doing just what I ask and placing the piano over in the corner of my dorm. Wow, I can't believe I really had that much of an effect of her. When she turns around, she looks both turned on and scared at the same time. I smirk to myself before rising off of my bed and inching my way over to her.

Without warning I push her up against my wall and I hear her breath hitch in her throat as I press my lips to her ear and smirk.

"You know, you look awfully cute in those pajamas. I wonder how much cuter you'd be without them on." I chuckle.

I nibble on her ear as I slide my hands up to her waist and grip it firmly, before pressing my forehead against hers and looking into her eyes. They're darker than before. I knew I was turning her on. I kiss her nose and give a sweet smile.

"No need to be tense. I'm only going to help you relax." I whisper sensing her tenseness.

I then see her grin before I attach my lips to hers. She immediately responds and reciprocates the kiss, moving her soft and perfect lips against mine. The feel of her lips against mine sending several shivers throughout my body.

"Oh...I'm also going to fuck you senseless but that's beside the point." I giggle. Her eyes widen and before I know it, I'm laying with my back pressed against the bed.

"You really don't know how damn sexy you are do you?" She growls. She attacks my lips once again, quickly deepening the kiss.

My hands find their way to the hem of her pajama top and yank lightly at the ends of it. She disconnects our lips for a split second so that I can remove the piece of clothing from her torso. She then reconnects our lips, she licks my bottom lip and I grant her entrance to probe my mouth with her tongue. She then moves her hand to trace circles on my inner thigh, seeing as I'm only wearing a large t-shirt and undies, she uses that as an advantage.

I moan quietly into her mouth as her hand trails up my leg slowly hovering over my panties. I fidget underneath her as I feel myself getting wetter by her teasing. I decide to have a little fun myself and take a hold of both of her still covered breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze. She moaned in pleasure as her eyes fluttered closed and her hand retracted from under my t-shirt and I took that opportunity to flip us over so that I was now straddling her.

My lips begin to work on her neck, nipping at her soft flesh as her breath grows quicker. I suck on her pulse as she lets out a throaty moan, making my stomach burst in butterflies. I reach my hand behind her to unclip her bra. She arches her back to assist me as I fling the unwanted item across the room. Feeling hotter by the second I quickly take off my humongous shirt and throw it aside her shirt and bra.

I go back down to plant kisses between her breasts and down her toned abdomen. I slowly reach her pants and I look back up at her to see her already staring at me with anticipation clear in her eyes. I wanna tease her though so I begin to make my way back up to her neck with open mouth kisses, only to have her grip my hair, stopping me.

"Lauren, if you don't fucking take off my pants, I swear." She groans. I smirk and blush at her use of profanity as I oblige, quickly pulling down her pajama pants. Once off I realize that she didn't have on any underwear. I gawk as I see her wetness in front of me. I look back up to her, and she's blushing profusely.

"My damn Camz..." I mutter.

The sight of her glistening center making mine ache more, but this is for her, not me. I then take a finger, and slowly run it down her folds, gaining a whimper from my girlfriend. I then proceed to thrust my finger inside of her gently.

"F-fuck." She moans out.

I start to pump inside of her as she bucks her hips up to get more pleasure. Her hands entangle within my hair as I continue to finger her. I add another finger earning another animalistic moan from the younger girl as she lets out a string of curses and moans. I can feel her legs start to shake below me.

"Laurennnnnnnn..." She moans loudly. I could've came right then and there hearing her moan my name like that.

I feel her walls clench around my fingers as she releases her juices onto them. Her moans like music to my ears as she convulses under my touch. Her eyes are clenched shut as she comes down from her high. I smile at the sight of my girlfriend mid-orgasm. I pull out my fingers and collapse beside her. Once she finally opens those beautiful eyes, she turns to me with flushed cheeks and a lazy smile.

"So...are you relaxed and ready to work on that song?" I smirk.

"Oh yeah...but after I help you relax." She smirks back, rolling over and on top of me.
A/N: Alrighty guys, 1 chapter left after this! And I couldn't leave you without some more Camren smut huh? 😉
I started Link Crew training at school today. 6 hours in a gym with 100 other upperclassmen, oh gosh. I took a 3 hour nap but woke up and wanted to write so, here you all are. ❤️ -Jaz

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