47. Back At It

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*a couple days later*

Camila's POV

"So I hear you have a one direction fan account?" Carly laughs while twirling her straw in her smoothie.

I glare at Lauren and she does a fake cough, turning her head to the opposite side, avoiding my glance.

"So does everyone know about that now?" I say still glaring at her. She turns back to me and rubs my arm gently while throwing a charming smile my way.

"Come on babe, you even looks like a fangirl."

"Yeah actually I can see it. You're just so adorable. It kinda goes with your persona." Demi agrees.

I playfully roll my eyes and take another sip from my smoothie.

"Okay, I'm not too sure if this is the right time to bring this up but I'm dying to know..." Carly starts with some hesitation in her voice. "When'd you break up with that bitch CeCe?"

I almost choke on my smoothie but recover quickly and grab a napkin, wiping away the small amount that I got on the corner of my mouth.

"It's fine. And actually she dumped me." Lauren says nonchalantly. Me and Carly shared shocked expressions, while Demi looks neutral. Obviously, she already knows this stuff.

"And judging from your faces you wanna know how that happened." She chuckles. "Well after what happened, I got basically banned from the campus. We never saw each other while I was on campus to begin wi-"

"...because she was cheating." Demi butts in. Lauren just shrugs and continues her story.

"So I was still trying to make it work, of course, being in denial, even though her idiotic friends fucked both yours and my life up, sorry by the way, I'll never stop saying it." She giggles lowly, and Carly reciprocates while shaking her head from side to side.

"And so she broke up with me after two days of me leaving campus."

"And so now she just cheats freely among the stupid freshman." Demi adds.

"Hey does that mean that I was a stupid freshman?" Lauren scoffs acting offended.

"UM YES." Carly and Demi yell.

"I guess that's true." She nods. "...but then she went and stalked me all over my social media once she saw that I started dating this Australian model."

Now I was really choking on my smoothie.

"You dated an Australian model?!" I ask in my most calm voice at the moment.

"It was one of those long distance relationshits." We all chuckle at her use of that word. "I was more than likely getting catfished anyways but I basically thought my life was over, slumped around all day and then joined one of those dating websites." She places her head in her hands and shakes it as I see her begin to flush of embarrassment.

"Yeah she was pretty down in the dumps, she was crying, laying on the cold hardwood floor for like hours, a hot mess if I say so myself." Demi explains.

"Oooookay Demi, I think they get it." Lauren says through gritted teeth.

"No need to go any further with that one." Carly holds up a hand to stop the conversation. "...on good notes, I'm glad you found someone who actually wants to make you happy. You guys are cute." She smiles, gesturing towards me and Lauren.

Lauren wraps her arm around me and brings me closer to her, pressing me to her side. She plants a kiss on my temple, lingering there before reluctantly pulling away and resting her head in the crook of my neck.

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