41. Fight or Flight

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Keaton's POV

"Hold on for a second Lauren..." I say as I spot Drew off in the distance eating his food from Lenny's. I quickly shove my phone into my pocket as I approach him. He sees me and puts on a smug grin.

"Back again Keat?" He chuckles. I stomp up to him and grab his shirt collar, pulling him off of the bench he was occupying and bringing him face to face with me. "Someone's a bit angry." He smirks. "What's up man?" He says nonchalantly as he takes a bite out of his sandwich. I slap the item of food out of his hands and glare at him. I managed to get some mustard on his shirt as it fell to the ground. He looks back up to my eyes with obvious anger. "You're gonna have to fucking pay for that." He snarls while pointing to the ground. I take his already clenched shirt fabric and grip it even tighter showing him I'm not scared of him whatsoever.

"Want another sandwich? Where's my brother Drew?" I say angrily. He chuckles once more. "You can't bribe me with food Keaton, try again." He glares. I nod. "Fair enough." I say. "How about I bribe you with beating your ass into next week? Maybe you'll talk then?" I say through gritted teeth. "Like you'd ever do anything." He challenges. I raise and eyebrow.

Lauren's POV

"Wesley has her?! That asshole from The Waffle House?" Dinah shouts. I nod and put my head in my hands. The girls start pacing and giving angry, exasperated sighs. I shake my head in my hands and race a hand through my hair as tears start to brim in my eyes.

"Lauren we'll find her don't worry." Normani tries to comfort me. "Yeah Laur, that douche is gonna pay don't worry." Dinah adds as she puts a hand on my shoulder.

I quickly stand up look to my phone. I had it on speaker, and I heard a blood curdling scream coming from it. I look at the girls in terror and pick up my phone immediately.

"Keaton?!" I scream.

"Stop it man! ... What the hell?!"

*thud thud thud*


*thud thud*

"KEATON?!" I try again.


"Get the hell up!"


"Keaton? Hello?"



"Lauren meet me down by the fountain...I know where she is."

Camila's POV

He begins to trail his cold, rough hands along the inside of my thigh, making patterns. I wince at his contact with my skin and I mentally scold myself for wearing a damn skirt today.

I look over to him to see him enjoying every second of this. His smug grin showing his obvious love for the situation and torture that he's putting me through currently. He looks into my eyes and his smile gets even wider, if possible. He leans over even closer and puts his mouth up next to my ear. I feel his breath hit my neck before he lets out a maniacal chuckle.

"None of this would be happening had you just let me take you on a fucking date...but I can't say I'm not enjoying this right now so actually...thanks doll." He whispers, making me cringe.

He begins to nibble on my ear and I flinch backwards so that I hit the door of my side of the car. I hear him growl before I feel his hand clamp around my neck and forcefully bring me back towards him. I clench my eyes tight and refuse to meet his gaze.

"You won't make this any easier on yourself if you keep trying to escape." He says with a tinge of anger in his voice. "W-why are you doing this to me?" I say once again finding my voice. I can feel the burning trail that my tears are making down my cheeks. "I thought we went through this already. You basically owe me. You fucked my life up. Now you're going to get what's coming to you." He whispers.

Out the corner of my swollen eyes I can see that the car door is unlocked. As he continues to ramble about me owing him and getting his stupid revenge, I think carefully. I have to fight. If I just sit here and do nothing then he wins. Once again, he'll win. Just like the way him and Drew have always won. I always stayed quiet and wallowed in my own self pity, and its all because I chose to do nothing...I did nothing because I felt like nothing.

Except now I know my own worth. I finally feel good about myself for once, and its because of the new life I have, and if I let him do this, all of this time I've built up recognizing that I am not who everyone thought I was for four straight years would be worthless. I'd be in the same position and I refuse to be that girl again. I will never be that girl again. 😉 (I had to.)

"Do you hear me bitch?" He spat.

At that moment I gather all my confidence and thoughts together as I sigh.

"Yeah I heard you Wesley." I clench my fists together and give him a pointed glare. He notices my new found mood and laughs.

"You're mad? Finally, gained a backbone I see." He says amused. "Too bad I don't give a fuck what mood you're in, you're still here, with me, and under my control." He glares. "Now where was I?" He questions as his hands begin to make there way back to my leg. "You...were just about to be knocked out." I say as I quickly lift my fists and two piece him in the jaw and right eye.

He retracts his hand to hold his face as he groans quietly. I see now as my chance, I open the door, flinging it hardly as I jump out of the car and stumble. I trip and fall to my knees. I wince at the contact of my knees against the rigid gravel, but quickly regain my composure to push myself off of the ground and start to sprint away.

I feel my knees burning and I look down to see that they are already bloody and bruised from my recent fall. I choose to ignore the pain as I continue to run beside the abandoned market. I look around to see where I could turn to. Maybe run down the road in hopes to get noticed by a passing car? Or hide until I think Wesley can't find me anymore.

In the midst of my thoughts, I'm slammed up against the brick wall of the market. I see a smirking Wesley holding his jaw with one hand, and gripping me by my throat with the other. He looks at me and shakes his head.

"Nice one Cabello. You almost got away for a minute there." He chuckles. I gulp and close my eyes again before sighing deeply and opening my eyes once again. "You will not get away with any of this." I mutter, wiggling in his grip. He holds me down even tighter than before.

"Oh really? Because I don't see anyone here that's going to stop me." He retorts. "Now...no more games. You've pissed me off enough today." He fiddles with his pants as he brings back out the knife he has previously held against my cheek. He places it in the same exact spot as before, except this time he makes a large slit along my cheek. I wince at the pain and grip my cheek with my hands. He then punches me in the same spot I had jabbed him in the jaw.

"I hope you thought I wasn't joking. If so...surprise slut." He spat. "Now are you going to cooperate or-" His words are cut off by the sound of tires skidding over the gravel on the ground. With the tears brimming in my eyes I can hardly see what's going on. I hear a car door slam, multiple car doors slamming. And hard footsteps approaching. I gulp again freely as Wesley releases his grip on my throat and I start to lose the feeling in my legs.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" I hear a familiar raspy voice yell. I start to feel my knees lock and I slowly slide down against the brick wall. I hear a loud thud and the sound of someone struggling on the ground. I finally let the pain that's surging from my cheek and knees to take over as I let the tears fall freely from my eyes and fall to the ground only to feel myself being caught by someone.

"CAMILA! CAMILA!" I hear. The voices fade as my eyes roll back into my head and everything slowly fades to black...

A/N: Oh yeah guys, I'm gonna change the name of the story to "Bitten By The Past" 😁 thanks for reading

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