24. Fix It

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Demi's POV

It was a highly uncomfortable silence as I drove back towards campus, with Camila sitting next to me, arms crossed and staring out of the window. I feel bad about Lauren lashing out on her a minute ago. She obviously doesn't know Lauren's situation and I highly doubt Lauren would've spoken a word about it to her.

Lauren always has this presence to her where everything seems completely fine. She's a master at hidden emotions and no one can truly know how she feels by just looking at her. Hell, I'm her best friend and I don't even have a clue.

That night really did change her. Her whole character was shifted. I still can't wrap my head around what made her do what she did. She didn't do anything wrong in my eyes besides taking the fall for those idiots, who at the time were some of her closest friends besides me. I don't know how she could be so bold to take the blame for something that has nothing to do with her, and not think of the consequences to come.

She's a very selfless person, I do know that. She might be one of the strongest people I know, but lately things have been starting to get to her more and more. I wonder what even made her come to this party. I know I wanted her to come with me last week but that's because I was gonna be with her, every single step if the way. I didn't want her always cramped up in her room all this year, but I still knew that a party wouldn't be just casually greeted at a party on campus anymore. Those idiots shouldn't be able to prevent her to roam campus and have fun if she wants to. I just wish...someone would give her a chance to just...relax and be a regular person without seeing her and thinking 'psycho'.

I pull up in front of Camila's dorm building as I look in her direction. She quietly thanks me as she unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed her bag and opened the door. Before she could close it I reach over and stop it with my hand. She squats down and narrows her eyes at me confused.

"I know Lauren was a bit harsh back there..just-know that she has a lot of things going on that she hasn't quite...come to terms with yet." I try my best to explain. "Give her a bit of time and I swear...she'll come around." She glances to the ground unsure of my words and then gives me a weak unbelievable smile as she then closes the door the remainder of the way and shyly waves. "Oh, and you're welcome." I say before pulling off in the direction of the dorms I attend to.

Now to deal with my explosive best friend...

Dinah's POV

"No no no." I laugh hardly, while clenching my stomach. "Seriously...you didn't kiss him?" I ask Ally with a raised eyebrow. She shakes her head. "No, we just started this little 'arrangement', I don't wanna rush it." She says shyly. Me and Normani give each other a look before bursting out into more laughter. "See you can't be the regular girl." Normani shakes her head in disbelief. "And how not?" Ally crosses her hands over her chest and pouts. "...because, what girl refers to dating as a 'lil arrangement'?" She continues as she starts up the laughter again. "I agree with Mani on this one. I mean come on, Mila just had her first kiss with Lauren yet I BET you, she snuck off from Austin and is somewhere with her making out in her dorm or something." I say waving my hands around. We all laugh as we hear a door slam.

I look up to see Camila, arms crossed, u wrapping them to fling her purse, sweater and shoes off to the ground below her before storming into the bathroom and slamming that door shut as well. I turn back to Mani and Ally who have the same expression on their faces as I do.

"...aaaaaaaand maybe I was wrong." I say and the turn back into the direction of the bathroom door. I sigh as I walk over to the door and lightly knock on it. "What happened now Chancho?" I sigh. I hear a subtle sniffle as I can now tell she's crying on the other side of this door. "Open up Mila, please." I plead with my forehead against the door.

She finally opens the door slowly. She quickly wipes off the tears and sighs deeply and shuffles past me to go sit on my bed, since hers is being preoccupied by a still silent and still Normani and Ally.

"Did something happen tonight? Was it Austin? I swear I'll-" "It wasn't Austin." She quietly retorts. "He's probably the only one that made this night any less horrifying." She continues.

"Well...come on, tell us what happened."

Lauren's POV

"Thanks again for being there for me tonight...and I'm sorry that you had to hear...all of that." I say hugging Keaton at my door. I feel him sigh into the hug before releasing me. "No worries, don't mention it. I'll stay with you if you wanted to wait for your other friend to get here?" He suggests. I gently shake my head and then smile weakly. "Thanks, but she should be here any minute. I'll definitely text you though?" I say with an arched brow. He nods. "Of course, see you Laur." He says before heading off into the hall.

I sigh deeply as I unlock my room door and head inside. I drop down onto my bed and sink into its softness. I left my guitar back down in my car, but had I not, I'd probably be composing some melancholy masterpiece right now, even with this killer headache.

I really didn't mean to blow up like that. Especially at Camila, and especially with Keaton around. For some reason I'm sure it was going to become a problem one day. We'd be out enjoying each other's company and some asshole would call me a 'psycho' or a 'maniac'. Soon enough, what I didn't want to bring up would be put in front of my face for me to deal with...I just, it shouldn't have been now, or in that way.

I hate feeling so cornered. I almost feel like I had no choice but to spill it. I mean with everything thats been going on, and all my emotions at its peak with a little assistance of the various amounts of alcohol I consumed tonight...it was just enough to finally...explode.

I'm like a water balloon. Filled up until I couldn't handle it any longer, and I just bursted...

I hear a jingle of keys at my door, and see my knob turn as Demi rushes in and runs over to me.

"Lauren." She says engulfing me in one of her famous bear hugs. "I am so sorry." She weeps into my shoulder. Her reaction catching me off guard as I pull away fro her to see her expression. I pull a hand up to her cheek and wipe her tears. "Sorry? For what? I had a little meltdown...that's it." I shrug knowing that the outburst and blackout I had was everything, but little.

"Lauren...I never knew how much this affected you." She stares at her hands. "I mean I knew how torn up you were when I came to see you after your expulsion last year but...I thought by now-" she chokes on her words. "You thought by now I'd be back to partying every weekend, enjoying the college life like I was before everything went tumbling down? I know." I shake my head and let out a heavy breath. "I'm working on it. Demi I just, I want to apologize so badly." I whine.

"I dropped Camila back at her dorm but its the weekend so no curfew...if you wanna go ove-" "I need to apologize to her as well, but not who I was referring to." I take a glance at my white wall and to the corner of my room that should have another bed...for another student, but doesn't.

She puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder and pulls me into her side as I close my eyes. "I know, I know." She says quietly before twirling a bit of my hair in her fingers. "D-do you wanna start trying a-gain?" She stutters. I shake my head. "Not any time soon, no. I just wish it all didn't happen." I sigh. "Right now though...I have to talk to Camila, I think I should apologize and tell her the full story before I scare her off too..." I smile sadly as I get out of Demi's grasp and stand to my feet once again. "Need an escort? I kinda don't trust you alone right now...you might run off to another party." She chuckles. I grin and shake my head.

"I have to go get my girl." I say before grabbing my keys as I walk out of my room with Demi following suit. "She really cares about you Laur. Don't mess this up punk...well more than you probably already have." She smirks. I punch her not so softly as I laugh. "Will do Dems, I'll call you tomorrow." I yell back to her as I walk down the hall and out of the building.
A/N: There will be so much Camren soon that your head will explode.

Thanks for continuing to read lovelies! :*

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