9. I Wanna Know You

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Dinah's POV

I don't know why I'm so anxious for Mila's date tonight and its not even mine. I wanna help her with EVERYTHING. She'll need it. Since I got a first hand look at how she acts around Lauren, I know that'll just transpire into something bigger once she starts to choose clothing and so on. It'll be a mess.

Aw! This is so cute. Mila on a date. Ally was right though. She got everybody falling for her. I'm shocked she seems so insecure and shy most of the time but why? I bet it has something to do with those bullies from her high school.

If it were me there with her at that school, they would have been getting some daily poly beat downs messing with Camila. She gorgeous. I'm glad here everything is working out for her so far.

I hear a shuffle of nervous feet outside before the door rips open and a very frantic Camila steps into the room.

"Help me. I've got an hour to get ready for me and Lauren's date. I look like someone dragged me through a sold out Ed Sheeran concert by my bow." She panicked.

I tried to hold back my obvious laughter as she threw her backpack to the ground and ran into the closet. She pulled out numerous amounts of clothing and ran into our bathroom in a hurry. I shake my head as she was oblivious to the fact that the bathroom was occupied and screamed when she saw Normani inside.

"Sorry Mani!" she screams as she wobbles out of the bathroom and plops onto her bed exhausted.

"Calm down Chancho, I'm gonna help you get ready." I reassure her as I look down to the clothing she has gripped in her hand. "Uh...please tell me you were not going to wear that turtleneck..." I point at the striped black and white catastrophe in her left hand.

"I was considering it..." She says a bit regretful.

"You must have also been considering having a heat stroke because it's almost 80 degrees out." I point out.

I grab her hand and take her back to the closet as I forcefully rip the item of clothing out of her hand and throw it against the closet wall. I pick up a sleeveless white collared shirt with tiny black polka dots on it and toss it to her.

"Think that's a bit better?" I look at her. She nods and gives me a thankful smile. I return my attention back to her clothing and pick out white skinny jeans to go along with it, and pick up her black vans from the corner.

"Alright." I hand her the items I've retrieved from her closet. "Change into that. I'll help with your hair and makeup when you get done." I order her. She obeys and heads off to the bathroom.

After about 45 minutes of Mila freaking out, me curling her hair, doing her makeup and giving her pointers on what and what not to do on her date, a knock is heard at our door.

"Oh last word of advice!" I yell in a whisper. "Just be you Chancho!" I smile, getting up and carefully excusing myself from the room and heading over into Ally and Normani's.

Camila's POV

Alright. Breathe, you got this Camila.

I walk over to the door half excited, yet fully nerve wrecked from the previous hour of getting ready and preparing myself for this very moment.

I slowly but surely open the door to reveal a more than stunning Lauren Jauregui before me.

Its weird she looks similar to a few hours ago except her hair is more curly under her 'stay weird' beanie and she had changed into a pair of ripped white jeans and a fitting 'The 1975' shirt. Her eyeliner a bit more heavy than before, bringing out her green emerald pools of destruction even more than usual.

"Hi." I manage to belt out. She smirks at me and graciously looks down at the ground before meeting my eyes once again.

"Hello there." She says in a rather nervous voice. "So..." She clears her throat trying to come back to her confident self. "Shall we? I heard that Sweeley's has good food." She suggests.

"We shall." I nod and smile sweetly taking her hand and walking out of my dorm.

Lauren's POV

As we settle into a booth at Sweeley's and order our food an almost awkward silence washes over us as Camila plays with the straw in her ice tea.

"Alright stop being so shy Camz, here." I grab her hand which by the look on her face makes her a bit uncomfortable so I retract my hold on it.

"Sorry." I mutter.

"No, I'm being a weirdo. Its a date right?..I think my stomach just fluttered a bit when you called me Camz..." She blushes heavily.

"Does that make you uncomfortable? I can stop, I mean I just...honestly that's your name in my phone, its catchy right? But if--" she interrupts me by putting her hand on mine and giving a shy smile.

"You're babbling is cute." She giggles. "I like it Lolo, ya know, if I can call you Lolo?" She winks.

"Of course you can." I grin widely.

Our food arrives soon as we spend the rest of our time talking to ease the mood and enjoying our Italian. This girl really loves pizza. I can honestly watch her eat all day long.

We finish up our food and start to walk back to her dorm, taking the long way as we look around to the semi deserted campus, street lights beginning to flicker on as we make our way through.

Under these faulty lights above us, she still looks amazing. Her hair blowing with the sudden gushes of wind every now and then, the leaves sliding across the ground in reaction as well. And the calm and soothing silence that overcame us for a bit.

As we walk back up to her dorm room now hand in hand, she gives me a wide smile.

"What?" I ask while also smiling a bit. She shakes her head gently.

"Nothing, I just had a really good time tonight." She grins.

"Ah, as did I. We should totally do this again sometime." I offer.

We finally reach her room door as she nods eagerly. "I'd actually really like that. Thanks for tonight, I'll see you later?"

"No doubt." I say giving her a warm embrace as I step back and stare into her eyes.

We stare at each other for a while before I decide to step closer and close the space between us and attempt to connect our lips, but to my dismay she backs away frantically and hits her head on the door.

"Ouch..." She grimaces while holding her head in pain. "Are you alright?" I ask concerned. She shakes her head a bit and bites her bottom lip. "I-I'm sorry, I can't."

And with that she goes into her room, leaving me in the hallway alone...

A/N: I don't know how good this is but I won't question it. I'm just glad I'm actually starting to get a few views at all. Thanks!

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