12. Homesick

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Camila's POV

"Mind bringing that box upstairs, while I go check on Sofi?" I ask looking into Lauren's eyes. "Sure thing." She picks up the box and follows me up the stairs.

I motion for her to place it into Sofi's room right by the bathroom as I go in and find her washing her hands.

"All ready bud?" I ask her excitedly. She nods, still focused on the task at hand. She reaches up and turns the faucet knob to the right, shutting the water off. "Can you hand me a towel Camila?" She asks with her newly cleansed hands in the air, dripping from the still present water on them.

I reach up to the rack which was too tall for Sofi to reach, grab the towel and hand it to her. She wipes her hands off and hands it back to me to place it back where I got it.

I look to see Lauren out of the corner of my eye, returning from Sofi's room where she had put the box, leaning against the door frame, smiling at me and Sofi's interaction.

"Sofi, I got you a little gift." I reach down and pick her up and let her sit on the side of my hip. "Really?!" She gasps. "Yes yes." I poke her cheek. "...but you'll have to wait til after dinner to open it okay?" I tell her. "Okay, yay. Let's eat!" She jumps down from my grasp, and runs downstairs.

"Mami! Kaki got me a present!" We faintly hear downstairs as she finally reaches the kitchen.

"She's adorable." Lauren smiles looking down the stairs. "Yeah, she is isn't she? I really miss this already. Ya know, having her around all the time, playing with her and watching movies." I trail off. Lauren places a reassuring hand on my shoulder and pulls me into a warm hug.

She didn't have to say much. She didn't have to say anything really. Her warmness, her touch, her embrace, her presence...It soothed me. It sparked something in me I never felt before. And although I'm battling mixed feeling within myself, she makes me feel wanted.

I grab her hand and take her downstairs to the rest of my family.

Dinner went better than I expected. The odd vibe from earlier when Lauren met my parents fades away. They had a nice conversation and Lauren seems to really like talking to my dad about the Miami Heat. My mom still eager to know just how me and Lauren met and if there was more than just a friendship with us. I changed that topic quickly. I know she'll bring it up again once Lauren leaves so I'll just wait until then.

As we finish up my dad offers for Lauren to stay and watch a Heat game, and as eager as Lauren was she kept her cool and nicely declined due to the fact it was getting a bit late and she needed to get back to campus to finish up some work so she could relax for the rest of the weekend. She promised my dad another time as to which he happily accepted.

I told my family I'd be right back as I walk Lauren out to her car. I close the door behind me and walk down the tiled walkway Lauren's car. As we stop in front of her car door I look down to our entangled fingers and I smile, taking in this moment and savoring it as I really wish I could save this feeling right now forever.

And soon enough, after stood there and held hands while staring into each other's eyes for what seemed like a wonderful eternity, she finally spoke.

"This was a great unexpected date." She jokes. I laugh a little and swing our hands in a playfully motion. "Yeah, it was huh?" I say realizing that I basically just had a date with Lauren, where she met my family. "...I'm still not ready to leave you just yet...but I don't think your parents would appreciate me crashing in your room." She winks.

Even with her subtle insinuations she's adorable.

"...uh can I pick you up tomorrow night? Or were you planning on having your parents bring you back?" She asks hopefully. "I was actually planning on another bus ride...of course." I chuckle. "If you don't mind..." I start. "I'd be honored actually." She smiles.

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