5. Eyes Take Me Away

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Lauren's POV

What was I thinking? Apparently she isn't into me, she hardly even talks to me when I'm around. I wish I could be able to say the same, but everytime I'm around her I babble. Ugh, I can't even fathom the massive amount of embarrassment I just put upon myself. There's no way that I can face her anymore. I mean she could have at least said something to me, instead of just standing there like I was an alien, it's almost as if she was judging me, blatantly. Her eyes got wide and she wasn't sure how to respond. I never should have put her in that awkward position. I never should have pu tmyself in that awkward position either. I'm such an idiot.

I walk back to my dorm room, considering I don't have another class until later and I'm terrified that I'll run into Camila again. Once I'm in my room a wave of safety washes over me. I'm finally alone and away from any further embarrassment.

I sit down onto my bed and put my face in my hands as I rethink how I could have made that situation any better, but I can't think straight after what happened. I grab my guitar from behind my desk and start to strum a few chords. I guess if I can't think about my feelings, I could wrap it all up, in a song.

Camila's POV

I walk to my next class which is Film and Literature. All throughout the class period I couldn't keep still. I was pretty antsy. My mind is all over the place trying to calm down, but I'm mentally running in circles when it comes to what just happened. I don't exactly know what I want to do, or what I want to say. I want to go on a date with Lauren, of course. I just pushed any thought in my mind that she might've been interested in me away because...well she's her.

I shouldn't have let her walk away, well run away in this case. I should've stopped her. It kind of hurt to see her run away in dismay. She didn't let me get a word out, but I think my lack of respodance came as a way to say 'no' in her mind. An that's far from what I would have said.

I impatiently wait for the bell to ring so that I can go search for Lauren. My teacher is by far the most boring person I've come into contact with since I've gotten onto campus, and with my current predicament, that really doesn't help me at all. The last thing I heard him say was something about how much money we'd have to pay on all of the books we're going to have to read this semester. I've been zoned out for the past hour and I feel like this is the longest class I have ever had to attend in all of my life.

Finally the bell rings and I rush out of the class. I walk out into the courtyard in hopes to see Lauren somewhere, anywhere, but to not avail. Wow, this place has a lot of students I walk around curiously still lookin gthrough the massive crowd to see if I can find her but instead I run into someone and fall to the cement once again. I really, really hope that its Lauren again. I look up see who it was but it definitely wasn't her.

Normani's POV

"Hey guys, everybody ready?" I smile walking into our suite. "

"Yeah we're ready, but where's Mila?" Ally asks furrowing her eyebrows a bit. "I don't know, she had Film and Lit. last period, thats not too far from here right? Maybe she's on her way." Dinah says.

"Probably, let's walk down and see if we run into her making her way up." I laugh.

We walk down and out of the building but we still see no sign of Camila. We look around a bit and from the far end of the corridor to near and we still can't seem to see her anywhere.

"Mmkay, strange. Somebody call her?" I ask. "I'm on it." Dinah says with her phone already to her ear.

Camila's POV

"Sorry Camila. This wasn't how I wanted to run into you again." Austin says quickly grabbing me and pulling me to my feet. He seems apologetic that he bumped into me, but also beaming. "Sorry, I'm not smiling because I knocked you down. I'm uh just happy to see you again." He blushes lightly. I glace up at him an put on a goofy smile.

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