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"Momma! Momma!" The little boy yelled as he sat on his high chair, he had food all over his face and Penelope couldn't believe how adorable he looked right then and there, he had definitely gotten his good looks from his Mom, they were basically twins. Penelope smiled bright at the sight and with a black iPhone in hand she took some pictures. She couldn't wait to show Diggy how adorable Leo looked. She knew that he loved Leo just as much as she did. The moment she caught a good photo she sent it to Monica so she could see him too.

She deserve to see how adorable her little boy looked, it had been a while since Monica and Steven had gone out on a date and Penelope had volunteered to babysit their little boy, Leo. Penelope took advantage of having him, she spoiled him rotten. What kind of godmother would she be if she didn't? The two hadn't spent time together in a while since Penelope spent most of her time in Las Vegas, her father had ended up marrying some girl he had met at a strip club and apparently it was love at first sight.

So that meant Penelope had taken the responsibility of running two of her father's clubs, the one in California and the one in Nevada. She didn't mind at all, she loved managing them both. Her father would occasionally come down and visit but he spent most of his time in Chicago and New York.

Putting the dirty dishes in the sink of the kitchen, she walked back to little Leo who had picked up the habit of calling everyone "Momma".

"Come here baby boy, let's get you cleaned up. Your Mom should be here soon and you smell like sweet potatoes." Penelope picked Leo up from his high chair and the two made their way into the bathroom. She needed to give him a bath and then hopefully, he'd fall asleep.


The struggle of taking a one year old almost two year old a bath was tough work. Who knew babies could splash so much? The bath had resulted in Penelope's shirt getting soaked but thankfully he had fallen asleep. It was a struggle to put the little one down in his crib. It was like Monica had completely forgotten how short her best friend was. Closing the door of Leo's room she made her way to the living room where she could wait for Monica and Steven to come home. It was only 9:45pm and they had said they would be home no later than 10. Penelope remembered that there was a few dishes in the sink and some dirty ones in the dishwasher, she made her way into the kitchen and quietly loaded up the dishwasher.

Penelope looked at her phone and saw that she had only taken five minutes. A show would have to do while she waited for them to come home. As she waited for them all she could think about was having to fly back to Nevada in a few days, she had a big event planned for her club in Las Vegas and she couldn't wait to see how her father would react. She could only hope he'd be happy and proud. Her train of thought was interrupted when she heard the front door open indicating that her best friend was finally home.

"I just think we should think about having it Elmo themed. He loves Elmo."  Monica said as she put down her purse on the dinner table. Penelope gave her best friend a smile. Penelope couldn't believe that her best friend was a Mom. It was like it was only yesterday they were hanging around in the bathroom waiting for the test to reveal the results.

"How was your date guys?" Penelope asked as Monica made her way to her and Steven made his way into their kitchen. Sitting down next to Penelope, she watched as Monica took off her heels.

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