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Words couldn't explain the feeling Diego felt when he watched Penelope walk back inside her beach house, the sound of the waves crashing and seagulls making noise was all that surrounded him. What exactly was he suppose to do? Finally give up on Penelope? The determination of getting Penelope back was slowly fading away. Why should he keep fighting when Penelope was obviously done?

"Diego!" A female voice yelled out and for a short minute Diego had forgotten that Ella had tagged along with them. Rolling his eyes as he made his way to the stairs that Ella was making her way down of, Diego tried his best to just ignore her. He didn't want to deal with her, he needed to talk to Penelope and figure out if she really was done. He wasn't about to wait around forever. He was young and he could get any girl he wanted.

"Diego! Don't ignore me!" Ella yelled again as she tried to reach for Diego, who had walked already passed her. Before Ella could even get ahold of him, Diego turned around. Who did she think she was trying to grab him like that?

"You need to back off!" Diego yelled and he hated raising his voice, it made him look like a dick but he knew it needed to be done. He needed to make it clear to Ella that whatever they had going on was just physical, he truly didn't care about her. Diego wasn't going to keep stringing her along. "I don't know what gave you the idea to even follow us here but you need to just chill the fuck out!" He continued on as he walked up the stairs. He was so close to the house and Diego couldn't help but want Penelope to hear what he was saying to Ella. Maybe it would change her mind  and she'd actually want to talk to Diego.

"Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?!" Ella yelled right back, completely ignoring the fact that Diego had made it clear that he didn't want her there. Did he need to be more blunt to put it through her head that he didn't want her there? The last thing he wanted to do is be a dick. "Is it because of that girl I just saw you talking to?!" Ella raised her voice, getting the attention of everyone inside the house. Diego had to keep reminding himself that he was trying to be a better person. The last thing he wanted was for things to escalate.

Taking a deep breath and walking towards Ella, who was standing with her arms crossed and a sour expression on her face. Diego tried to remind himself that he needed to calm down, no matter how much it bothered him that she had said "that girl" with such distaste in her voice, he had to remember that Ella didn't know about Penelope. He hadn't mentioned her in front of Ella, he had kept Penelope a secret something he shouldn't have done but he did. Diego cleared his throat and tried to think about what to say to Ella without being a dick.

"She's my ex and Imma be honest with you, i still got feelings for her." Diego confessed as he shrugged his shoulders, as if his confession wasn't a big deal. Without even thinking about it, Diego turned towards the house. Everyone was standing by the balcony sliding door, listening in on the conversation. When they realized that Diego had turned around and noticed them, they jumped a bit and tried to pretend they weren't paying attention. Diego noticed that Penelope wasn't amongst them. Putting his hands around his mouth, Diego yelled at the beach house. "DID YOU HEAR THAT PENELOPE?! I STILL GOT FEELINGS FOR YOU! IT AIN'T GONNA CHANGE ANYTIME SOON!" The sliding door to the balcony was quick to open and Diego could see Penelope's Dad walking out, with a very angry expression on his face. Grace and Justine followed close behind him, they both held even angrier expressions on their faces and Diego didn't know who looked scary; Penelope's Dad or Penelope' best friends.

"How dare you?!" Penelope's Dad yelled as he marched toward Diego. The sunglasses that were on top of Jose's head had fallen out of his head as he reached forward to get ahold of Diego's shirt. "Didn't I tell you to get out of this house?" Diego tried to push away Jose's hands that were holding onto the collar of his shirt tightly. The smell of peppermint gum was all Diego could smell, that's how close Penelope's Dad was to his face.

"As long as Penelope doesn't tell me to leave, my ass is staying here." Diego replied back and he knew that his reply would only upset Jose more but he didn't care. The last he remembered the beach house belonged to Penelope, it didn't belong to Jose anymore. He had no say on who the hell was allowed there or not.

"Listen you piece of shit, I want you to sta-" before Jose could even finish his sentence, Penelope had stepped outside. Interrupting the scene that was quickly unfolding in her back patio. Grace and Justine were quick to try to hold her back. Obviously not wanting her to get involved. Ella stood back, she didn't know what to do. Everyone just stood back, not even bothering to help Diego. Steven, who was carrying Leo, shook his head.

"Let him go!" Penelope yelled at Jose as she pushed both of the girls away from her. Going straight to Diego, Penelope pushed her Dad away from Diego, who stood with a clenched jaw and a clenched fist, upset about the way Jose had grabbed him the way he did. "What is your problem?!" Penelope yelled at her Dad. Diego stood back, he wasn't about to get more involved than he already was.

"You need to leave." Penelope said and for a minute, Diego had thought she was talking to him. He didn't want to hear her say those words to him. "Dad, you need to leave. We're trying to have a birthday party for my godson and you aren't welcomed here." Penelope said as she crossed her arms across her chest. Ella let out a scoff as she heard Penelope's voice. Obviously upset about Diego's earlier confession. Grace held a shock expression on her face as she listened to Penelope talk to her Dad.

"Penelope." Grace said in almost a warning tone. Penelope shook her head at Grace, as she pointed to the door. Showing her Dad where he needed to go.

"Dad, leave." Penelope said yet again with a more threatening voice. She was still standing there, pointing to the exit. Waiting for her Dad to actually leave. Diego couldn't believe his eyes as he watched Jose give him one more nasty look and then made his way towards the door. Not even bothering to give Penelope one last glance.

Diego still hadn't processed the fact that she had actually stood up for him. She had pulled Jose away from him and the fact that she kicked her dad out for him, obviously meant she still felt something for him. If she hated him so much, she'd obviously kick him out instead of her Dad, right? It made sense to Diego, who was slowly starting to smile at the thought of Penelope still feeling something for him. It was the sign he was looking for, no mater what they went through, he was still going to continue to fight for Penelope.


im back, hellooo did y'all miss me!?
tbh I'm not that proud of this chapter 😩

don't forget to vote and comment! ❣️

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