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Penelope was dreading the thought of telling her friends that she had taken a super spontaneous trip with Diego to Cabo.

Sure, Grace had given her the green light to just go for it but Monica AND Justine we're both still iffy about Diego, she couldn't blame them. One minute she was in a somewhat loving relationship with Diggy and the next she wasn't. Diego had reappeared, along with all the feelings Penelope had thought were long gone. She knew that two years ago was not their time to be together. They were younger and stupid, maybe now was their time to give it another go. Things changed, people change. Maybe, just maybe it was their time.
At least that's what the Latina told herself as she took another sip from her drink, The frozen margarita tasted like heaven, or maybe it was the fact that laying next to her was Diego, asleep on his stomach with his arms as pillows. He was shirtless and for the first time in a long while, he didn't have a hat on. The sun was out as they both enjoyed the beach.

They both knew they had a lot to talk about.
They both knew they had responsibilities they needed to get back to but at that moment it didn't matter to either of them.

Almost as if he felt her eyes on him, colored eyes met brown. "I love you, Penelope." He whispered as he slowly started closing his eyes again. Penelope smiled a bit. "I know." She quietly replied as she looked back at the ocean.

She just wasn't completely sure it was enough.

RIP to all of those who lost their lives today and thank you to all the servicemen and woman who helped.

AN: I'm back bitches. just a small update to get the ball rolling again, are y'all ready?

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