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Diego was stupid.

He didn't like to think before he did something so when he decided Tuesday morning that he should send Penelope flowers as an apology, he didn't see what could go wrong. The last thing he expected was to have her knocking on his door about two hours later.

Opening the door, Diego stood to the side. Letting Penelope march in with the vase full of flowers in her hand. She was wearing a red tube top and some white shorts with some white converse. Diego couldn't help himself when he realized he was checking her out. The last two years had changed her a lot. She was beautiful and Diego couldn't shake away the dirty things that were coming to mind.

Penelope turned around to face Diego, the vase of red roses and sunflowers were in her hand and she looked really upset. Diego slowly closed the door and stood there, staring at her. She was there, right there in front of him. It had been so long since he had a good look at her face. Her face was clear of make up and it was clear of any blemishes. Her skin looked so soft, Diego wanted so desperately to reach over and caress her cheek.

"Are you stupid or something!?" Penelope started off saying, she placed the vase down on the countertop of the kitchen and crossed her arms. Diego scratched the back of his neck, not knowing exactly what to say. She left him speechless. Even when she looked so angry, she looked so beautiful.  God, is this what John Legend meant when he wrote "All of Me"?  Diego couldn't believe he was acting this way. He needed to get it together.

"What are you talking about?" Diego questioned, he was trying to act like he had no idea what she was talking about. He honestly didn't think she would have any idea it was him that sent the flowers to her. Penelope rolled her eyes as she looked around the apartment. Nothing seemed to have changed.

"You're one of the few people who know that I love roses and sunflowers together. The girls obviously wouldn't be sending me any flowers." Penelope confessed as she looked back at Diego. Who was nodding his head as he took in what she said. He had figured it was something most people knew.

"It was my way of apologizing." Diego admitted as he walked passed her and into the living room. He sat down on the couch, trying to find something to distract himself with. He didn't know whether to keep the conversation going. He didn't know what to do at all.

"I don't want anything from you Diego, I made that perfectly clear the last time I saw you." Penelope responded right away. She reached behind her and pulled out her car keys. "We've been doing good not seeing each other for two years. Can we just go back to that?" Penelope asked as she brushed away a strand of hair from her face.

I can't do that. I miss you.

Diego bit the inside of his cheek, he wanted to just speak his mind and tell her that he messed up badly and that there was times where he missed her. He couldn't do that to her though, he had fucked up so many times. He didn't deserve another chance. From what Diego had seen on her Instagram, she was happy with Diggy and he made her really happy. Who was he to get in the middle of that?

"The flowers were basically me waving the white flag. I'm done fighting with you." Diego said and Penelope couldn't help but feel more irritated. She let out a chuckle as she began to pace back and forth.

"You need to stop liking my pictures on Instagram and you need to stop sending me flowers." Penelope demanded as she pointed her finger at Diego. Mocking surrender Diego put his arms up as he stood up from the couch. He was bullshitting the white flag lie, he had come up with it on the spot. He had sent her the flowers because he knew she'd end up returning them herself and he couldn't help but believe that it was all worth it, he got to see her.

"I'll leave you alone, I promise." Diego said as he took a step forward, slowly putting his arms down. Penelope nodded her head and turned around to walk out of the apartment. Diego figured she was ready to leave. Taking a quick step he stopped before he could reach her. He wanted to ask her. He needed to know.

"Are you ever going to forgive me?" Diego asked as he stood still. Penelope back was to him and he could see her tense up a bit at the question. Diego wouldn't be surprised if the answer was no, he didn't even know why he so desperately wanted to know. Without so much as turning around to face him, Penelope simply said. "I don't know."

Diego wasn't sure if she had actually said that or if he was hearing things. Not giving him a chance to say anything else, Penelope walked out the door. Slamming it on her way out.
Silence was what Diego was left with. Her perfume lingered in the air and Diego couldn't believe after two years, she had been standing in his apartment again. The thought reminded him that he was alone and Diego hated being alone.

Short lil update. I hope you guys like it. Don't forget to vote and comment! ❣️

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