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Turning over onto her stomach, Penelope slowly opened her eyes. The brightness that filled the room hurt her eyes, it took a couple seconds before she got use to it. The right side of the bed was empty and her heart broke, where was Diego? Had he left without so much as a goodbye? The feeling of regret was slowly consuming her as she lifted herself off the bed,  the white bed sheet was tightly wrapped around her naked body. Her body was sore and she knew deep down inside, she didn't regret sleeping with Diego.

Looking around the light blue colored room, the clothes from the day before were lying right in the middle of the room. Quickly putting her clothes on, Penelope looked for her phone. She needed to know what time it was.

The sound of the toilet flushing startled her, Diego had obviously not left like she had believed. A small smile made its way onto her face, butterflies were going crazy in her stomach at the thought of seeing Diego after last night. Things had definitely changed between them but Penelope was too afraid to even ask him what it meant for them.

Was it just a one time hook up or were they getting back together?

Did she even want to get back together with him?

The door to the bathroom opened and out came Diego, who just had a red towel wrapped around his waist. Water was rolling down his body and for a minute, Penelope couldn't look away. The intimate moment of Diego telling her about the tattoo on his chest was fresh on her mind. She couldn't stop thinking about it. Before Diego even got the chance to say anything, Penelope had spoken up.

"Did you really get that tattoo for me or was it one of those 'in the moment' type of things you tell every girl?" Penelope asked as she stared at his chest. The more she looked at the tattoo, the more detail she could see. For a minute, Penelope could've sworn the hand that was holding onto the rose, had a ring that looked almost like hers.

"Uh..good morning to you too baby.." Diego started off saying as he walked closer to her, meeting her right in the middle of the room, in front of the bed that was a mess because of them. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Diego pulled Penelope closer, an action that caused her heart to race. "Look at it." Diego said as he picked her hand up and let her touch it. The feeling of her finger tips on his skin caused goosebumps to appear.

"That looks like my ring." The emerald colored ring that had been her grandmothers was clear on the hand, Diego had obviously not lied to her. "When did you get this?" Her fingers lightly traced the ink and Penelope couldn't be more in love with the tattoo. It meant so much to her and she had no idea why.

"A couple days after everything happened, I needed something that reminded me of you." Diego confessed as he watched Penelope's face, a smile was on her face. Her full attention was on the tattoo and he couldn't describe what he felt at that moment. He was so in love with her. "I was fucking miserable after everything that happened between us. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat. I couldn't focus Lupe, you're everything. My everything." His hands were holding her face and their eyes locked. Both of them too focus on one another to want to look away. "I felt like nothing without you. I hurt you in such a horrible fucking way and I swear, I'll spend as long as you want making it up to you." Diego ranted on and Penelope couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. It was everything she could possibly want to hear him say.

Her heart was pounding against her chest and she couldn't believe how everything was falling into place. Maybe what happened between them in the past was meant to happen. They both had matured in a lot of ways. It was finally their time.

Penelope couldn't find the right words, nothing she could really say would be a match to the words that Diego had spoken. It was exactly how she felt after everything had happened. Leaning into Diego's lips, Penelope couldn't help but gently bit his bottom lip. An action that caused him to let out a chuckle, slowly pulling away Penelope couldn't ignore the bright smile that displayed on Diego's face.

"Te amo Diego."

Penelope whispered as she leaned her forehead against Diego's, who's smile hadn't faded away yet.

"Te amo Lupe."

He whispered back as he pulled her in for a tight hug. Her face buried into his chest, Penelope couldn't help but take a deep breath. His smell drove her crazy.
She was finally back in his arms.



I hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July. A short and cute chapter for y'all before..things ..change ;)

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