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The fresh air hit Penelope and she couldn't believe she had driven all the way to Diego's place just to give him back some stupid flowers. Her favorite flowers.

He remembered after two years. Maybe he really is waving the white flag.

Penelope stopped walking when she realized that she had actually defended him. She continued her walk to her car and quickly opened it. She didn't want to risk anyone seeing her leaving his place, she knew rumors would spread. The last thing she needed was the world to think that she was involved with Diego in anyway.

The sound of her phone brought her out of her thoughts. Diggy's name appeared on the screen and Penelope's heart skipped a beat, was it because she was excited to talk to him? Or was it because she felt guilty having been in the presence of her ex a few minutes ago? She bit her lip as she looked at her screen and let it continue ringing. She couldn't talk to him yet, she needed a few minutes to collect herself. It was only Tuesday and Penelope reminded herself that after Saturday, she was headed back to Las Vegas with Diggy. Everything would go back to normal, at least that's what she hoped.

The sound of someone tapping on her passenger window scared her and she couldn't help the little jump she did, Penelope looked over to her right and there stood Steven and a guy she didn't know. Rolling down the window to her car, Penelope looked at Steven who leaned in. He had a small smile on his face. What exactly could he be thinking? Penelope could only hope it wasn't anything about her and Diego.

"Hey." He started off saying. Penelope replied back a simple hey, she had never actually spent any one on one time with Steven, they weren't close. He was her best friends boyfriend and Leo's Dad, that's all Penelope really thought about him. It sounded harsh when she thought about it but it was the truth.

"You came to see Diego?" He questioned as he stood up to look back at the building she had just walked out of. Penelope wanted to deny it, she couldn't help but think that he would think she was guilty. She wasn't.

Or am I?

"Yeah. Came to return the flowers he sent me, you should really tell him to leave me alone." Penelope responded and she couldn't help but wince at how rude she had sounded. "I'm sorry." She said a few seconds later as Steven let out a small chuckle, he didn't really care about her tone of voice.

"You sure you want me to tell him that?" He asked as he leaned back into her car. Penelope could tell he was teasing her. Why wouldn't she be sure? Diego leaving her alone was something she needed again.

"Why wouldn't I?" Penelope questioned as she looked over at the brown haired guy who was awkwardly standing behind Steven, a few feet away. Penelope could tell he was trying to make it seem like he wasn't listening in on the conversation. Steven gave Penelope a look and Penelope couldn't help but give him a look back. After a few seconds of just giving each other the look, Steven looked away and let out a deep breath.

"You came to give him back some flowers." Steven said and Penelope nodded her head. Why was he repeating what she had literally just said? It was the only reason she had even went there in the first place, to tell Diego to leave her alone and give him back the flowers. She didn't want his stupid flowers.

"You could've easily just thrown them away." Steven pointed out and Penelope hated that he was right, she could've but she want to tell him face to face that he needed to leave her alone. She was happy with Diggy now and she didn't need Diego ruining that.

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