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The seat Diego was sitting on felt really uncomfortable for some reason, or maybe it was just the nerves he was feeling as he waited in the lobby of the OB/GYN he had been in so many times before.

He was surrounded with women and babies. The lady in front of him was breastfeeding her baby and he tried so hard to be respectful and not look. Michelle sat next to him, reading a parenting magazine that they usually had in the lobbies. It was huge hospital that looked so modern. Diego wasn't really surprised, Michelle's family was well off. It's always been the 'best for the youngest of the family.'

"Does Marcus know you're here?" Michelle spoke up and asked Diego, who jumped a bit at the sound of her voice. He hadn't been paying attention. His mind was too busy trying to figure out what excuse he had to tell Penelope about flying to Texas in such a short notice.  God, he hated himself so much.

Clearing his throat, Diego sat up from his seat. "No, actually. He's been busy. I haven't really talked to him." It was a lie. He had talked to Marcus before his flight, the idea that Diego would say something to Grace worried Marcus more than anything and maybe Diego should say something but he couldn't.

He couldn't do that to Marcus.

Michelle bit her bottom lip and nodded her head, taking in Diego's words. The sound of someone calling Michelle's name brought both their heads to the left, the direction where the nurse stood wearing some scrubs that were covered in a floral print, waiting for them both Diego watched as Michelle stood up,  her swollen belly was quite noticeable now. Reaching out for her hand, Diego lead Michelle toward the nurse, who stood patiently with a smile on her face.

"I can't believe he's going to be here soon." Michelle said with a sad smile on her face. Diego couldn't help but feel bad. She needed Marcus and even Diego knew that.

Before he could say anything, they were greeted by the nurse, who lead them both into an exam room. Diego sat in the usual chair they had in each room while Michelle sat on the exam bed. The usual routine of taking Michelle's weight and blood pressure took place.

"You guys make an adorable couple, are you guys excited?" The nurse asked as she squeezed the bottle of gel onto Michelle's swollen stomach. The heart beat monitor in her hand as she tried to look for the baby's heart beat. Michelle and Diego both couldn't help the small laugh they let escape. No way did they make a cute couple.

"He's like my brother, that would be disgusted. No offense Leanos." Michelle said as she held her shirt back. The nurse let out a small laugh and a quick apology as she looked around for the heart beat. After a second, the sound of the little baby's heart filled the room.

Diego laughed and rolled his eyes at Michelle, "None taken Cruz but to really answer your question. I'm not the Dad, I'm the cool uncle who's gonna teach him how to pick up girls." The nurse giggled at what Diego had said.

"This little one is going to be lucky then." The nurse replied as she sent Diego a playful wink and cleaned the gel off of Michelle's stomach. "His heart rate is great and everything is looking good. The doctor should be in here any minute." The nurse informed them both as Michelle sat up.

"Is it normal that she's late? I know she was due about two days ago, right Michelle?" Diego asked the nurse as he looked over at Michelle who was rubbing her stomach and nodding at what he had said.

"Yeah, sometimes we could miscalculate the due date, we shouldn't worry unless her water breaks." The nurse said as she handed her what looked like a plastic blanket. Diego nodded his head at what the nurse was saying.

"Pants off, underwear too please. She'll be in any minute now." Michelle smiled as the nurse gave them one last glance and walked out of the room.

Diego cleared his throat as he stood up, he needed to give Michelle some privacy. "I'll be right outside." He announced as he grabbed the phone from his jean pocket. His cell phone was vibrating and flashing Penelope's name. Oh god, he still hadn't came up with an excuse  to tell her why he had left California.

"Is she calling you?" Michelle asked and Diego didn't want to look away from his screen as he nodded his head. Not bothering to answer the girl. "You need to tell her Diego." She insisted, he was growing tired of her constant reminder.

"It isn't exactly my place to tell her anything Michelle." Diego tried to reason with her. The plan of trying to help her was slowly making him feel bad. He got Penelope back and that's all that truly mattered to him. But he knew that he couldn't back out, Michelle needed his help and he had promised to give it to her.

"Grace has a right to know that her boyfriend isn't the perfect guy she believes he is." Arms crossed and an annoyed expression was on her face as she spoke. Diego kept quiet, she was right. Grace did deserve to know, as much as Diego doesn't get along with her, he knew he had messed up by not telling Grace sooner.

"Why do you need Penelope to do it? Why does she have to get involved at all?" Diego asked as he put the phone back in his pocket and stood up. He was starting to get upset, the idea of losing Penelope again hurt more than words could describe. He couldn't lose her again. He wouldn't allow it.

"She's her best friend. It would be better if she heard it from her." Michelle spoke as if it was such an obvious answer. How the hell did Diego get himself wrapped up in all of it?

"Why can't you just call Grace and talk to her? Or even better, have her fly out here." Diego had began pacing as he tried to reason with Michelle. "She's filthy rich, I'm sure it wouldn't make a dent in her bank account." It was the truth and both of them knew that. He couldn't wrap his mind around why Michelle wanted Penelope to be involved so much.

"Can we stop talking about this? Please?" The sound of her voice cracking made Diego realize how much of a dick he was being. Maybe in some weird way, Michelle was right. It would be better if Penelope was the one who told Grace about the situation. Out of all people, her best friend would know how to handle her reaction.

"I'm sorry, ok?" Diego took a step close to the young girl, the over protective brother of him was showing, even if they weren't actually related. They had grown up together, even if there was a five year age difference. They were close and got along really well. "I'll tell Penelope when I get back in LA."  Giving Michelle a short kiss on the forehead, Diego made his way out of the room. 

Right as he walked away from the door Diego pulled out his phone, he needed to talk to Penelope. An excuse for why he was even in Texas still hadn't came to mind but he just needed to hear her voice.

"Hey baby." Penelope said as she answered his call. Instantly relaxing, Diego hoped it wouldn't be the last time he heard her call him baby.



Short update! I hope this somewhat explains what's happening ;)
Please let me know what y'all think.
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