Chapter 3: Baby, it's you

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Maya's POV

I tried to breathe calmly as best as I could. This wasn't happening. I was just dreaming, or I was high, or drunk. Yes, exactly. I let out a nervous laugh. I closed my eyes, trying really hard to have an open mind and breathed a sigh of relief.

'' If it's really not rude of my asking, what the hell are you doing in my flat?'' I tried politely

Ringo giggled, John smiled, relieved; George snickered and Paul stood there, looking at me.

''Well?'' I said, insisting.

''We were being chased by girls and we came in through the window, trying to find somewhere to hide'' said George, trying to sound serious.

I looked at them. '' Right.'' I said skeptically.

'' I know it sounds silly, but why would we lie?'' said Ringo

I nodded. 

'' Are you real? Or am I just crazy and high?'' I suddenly said.

John grinned and laughed. '' I'm real, I don't know if you are'' He pinched my arm. ''Is that enough to prove that you're not high or asleep?''

''No, not really no.'' I said, smiling.

'' When are you guys.. erm... leaving?'' I said, not wanting to sound rude.

'' Well... We were planning to stay a few days if you didn't mind.'' said Ringo, quite embarrassed.

''Oh... okay.'' I said.

'' Do you mind, love?'' said Paul, watching me with his hazel eyes.

''Not really.'' I said. '' Didn't expect this for my vacation'' I muttered.

'' What was that?'' asked George

''Oh, nothing, just doubting if this is real. Erm.. feel yourselves at home?'' I laughed awkwardly. They all nodded and went back to doing what they were before, except George, whom sat down beside me and tried to make small talk.


George's POV

This girl was different, she'd been stating that she was high and we weren't real the whole time. I shouldn't complain though, incredulity is better than a crazy fan. She had nice green eyes, that had the color of basil and she listened intently to what I was telling her, though I kept talking without really paying attention to what I was saying. It was nice to know a fan that didn't know your life history and just enjoyed the music. We were talking about music, I think. Damn George, at least pay attention to what she's telling you. I thought quietly and grinned. She seemed to notice that I was lost in my thoughts and she stopped talking for a while, staring at her hands.


Paul's POV

Well, things were alright now, we would be staying at this lovely girl's flat for a few days. She seemed nice and caring. She had really nice eyes, and her hair looked soft and glossy.George was talking to her and I scowled, jealous, of what? , I asked myself. I didn't know. Then a thought came upon me, we didn't even know her name, or her age. How rude, Paul. I grounded myself and smiled, I sounded like an old man, arguing with himself. 

'' Sorry to interrupt, but what is your name, love?'' I asked, staring at her.

'' Maya.'' She said with a smile. '' Maya Carter.'' 

Maya, I thought, strange name, unique name. '' How old are you?''

''23, I'll be 24 in a few weeks'' she grinned excitedly.

She's a year younger, Paul stop that, I was arguing with myself internally and I barely noticed that George, Maya and John were staring at me. I cleared my throat, embarrassed, and went to look at the books lining the shelves.


John's POV

I was looking at the records Maya had, they were all perfectly lined and clean, I smiled, she sure seemed to enjoy music. She was beautiful, I bet she didn't really notice, she had a habit of hiding her face with her hair, and I just wanted to pull it out of the way, so that I could see her green eyes. I grinned at myself, she was two years younger. And here we go again... Paul seemed to have taken an interest in her, George also and Ringo, well, Ringo was being Ringo.


Ringo's POV

I was comfortable in this room, the light came through the window, but due to the curtains, the light had a greenish color, the room was warm and welcoming. As welcoming as it's host which was smiling radiantly sitting down on her bed and talking to George, she had beautiful eyes. Bright green eyes that called to your attention, making you feel like you were drowning in two puddles of green water. Oh boy, these were going to be some interesting days.

They came in through the bathroom window. ( Beatles fanfiction)- IN EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now