Chapter 5: I'm Only Sleeping

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Maya's POV

It was really hot in my room, the room felt stuffy and I was sweating under the covers. Thank you, alcohol. I opened my eyes slowly and regretted it, the light hitting me and making my eyes sting. I groaned. I tried to sit up but my head felt like lead and a wave of nausea came over me. I buried my head in the pillow and groaned again. I wanted to take a shower, and forgetting momentarily that I had company in my house, I started taking off my pants and shirt, throwing them on the floor. I put my hair up in a bun and sat up, stretching my muscles and groaning at the headache that kept hitting my temples.  

I didn't really look where I was walking until I stepped on something soft and warm and I looked down: realizing that I was stepping on John's stomach, and he was fast asleep. Thank god I wasn't naked, I though as he started to wake up, twitching and stretching. I let out a scream and wrapped the covers around my body. He opened his eyes to the sound and sat up, groaning as a headache punished him for sitting up so abruptly.

'' WHAT THE HELL.'' I hissed at him. He looked up at me, his gaze lingering on the covers which I clutched tighter. He blushed, his expression apologetic. He got up, got closer to me and murmured. '' Good morning, love, sorry for scaring you, you rug looked rather comfortable looking and I slept there.'' He kissed the top of my head and then added '' No need to take off your clothes to take me out of your room, you simply needed to ask.'' He grinned cockily and left.

I groaned, blushing. I took a blue shirt and a pair of jeans from the wardrobe and went to shower, grumbling about how John Lennon could go get kidnapped by his pathetic fangirls. I showered, letting the hot water wake me up. I pressed my cheek against the ceramic walls and sighed as the cold ceramic turned down my body temperature. I got dressed and went to the kitchen to make coffee.


George's POV

I was sitting on the grass, smoking a cigarette .The sky was a clear blue and there weren't any clouds, I was under a big apple tree and I was singing, a sad song, one that I didn't even know:

You don't realise how much I need you

Love you all the time and never leave you

Please come on back to me

I'm lonely as could be, I need you.

 Maya was there, she was eating a bright red apple as she listened to my singing, her green eyes pouring into mine. I had a strange feeling of epiphany but I couldn't grasp it. I then started hearing the sound of cars, the honking, the sounds of a city awakened by the rising sun. I also could hear soft voices.

'' So, what shall we do lads?'' said a voice very similar to John's.

'' I propose we let him be.'' said a perkier voice that I thought was Ringo's.

'' I'm up for scaring the bloody hell out of him.'' said a voice full of mischief, Paul's of course. 

I heard footsteps. '' She's coming.'' said John and I could feel the smile in his voice. I was trying to wake up, but my eyelids felt heavy and my efforts were futile. 

'' Move.'' said Maya. I heard Paul snicker. I suddenly felt really cold, my eyelids fluttered open and I shouted angrily.

'' WHAT THE BLOODY HELL.'' I sat up, clearly soaked in freezing water, my friends and Maya were looking sheepishly at me. '' You wouldn't wake up.'' said Maya, trying to soothe me. Her green eyes made me melt, I couldn't be mad at her, I then looked at my friends, them I could be mad at. 

'' I was against it.'' said Ringo

'' Didn't help much, did it?'' I snapped at him but then grinned as I saw hurt strike his face. '' I'm up, I'm up.'' I said, getting up and going inside.


Paul's POV

'' Erm.. Maya?'' I asked

''Yes?'' she answered, looking up from her book

'' This is embarrassing, but we don't have any clothes to change into. And, we can't go outside.''

She stared at me for a second, thinking, and she grinned; she got up and left to her room, returning with four wigs and thick glasses. 

'' I can take you shopping, so you can buy your clothes for the week.'' she said.

I examined the wigs and laughed, it felt like being a child again and disguising myself for Halloween. I tried on the orange-haired wig and laughed at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I looked nothing like myself. Maya appeared next to me and helped me tuck my brown hair under the wig, her lips not far from mine. What if.... Stop it Paul.... But... 

'' Paul?'' she asked, concern in her eyes. I had been arguing with myself with a blank look on my face while she worked on my hair and I had startled her.

'' I'm alright.'' I smiled kindly.

'' WIGS.'' I heard George scream and we laughed, our faces really close, and her green eyes calling me, I leant closer ...

'' How do I look, Paulie darling?'' said John in a mocking tone with a blonde wig. I chuckled, annoyed that he had interrupted whatever was going on, but I smiled at my best friend. '' Wonderful darling'' I responded, mimicking his tone

'' I'M SEXY, LOOK AT ME.'' yelled Ringo, coming into the bathroom with a white wig that made his blue eyes sparkle. 

'' OH, I HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH YOUR BEAUTY, Richie'' said George, a hand on his heart as if he were about to faint, wearing a black wig. 

''Let's go then.'' said Maya

They came in through the bathroom window. ( Beatles fanfiction)- IN EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now