Chapter 14: Within You, Without You

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George's POV

I braided flowers until I began to feel different, the effects were starting to kick in. I felt weightless, I wanted to fly, I felt like I could fly, I flapped my arms up and down, but I wouldn't take flight. The air smelt like apples and clove. The sky was a shade of purple, with a hint of blue, fading in the horizon, the grass was a bright green, like Maya's eyes. I hugged the apple tree for support, it felt like the whole world was trembling under my feet, the apples looked tempting from down here, they were a cherry bright red, and they kept calling me. I wrapped my arms around the trunk and began to climb, only to be stopped by a very firm grip on my arm, which pulled me back onto the grass. It was Ringo, his eyes weren't the usual blue, they were like a starry night, full of white spots that seemed to dance around, his hair had a reddish tone to it and his face wasn't pale, it had an olive shade to it. I tried to step out of his grip, but it was too strong. I gave up and sat down, grumbling and muttering 

 ''hare-kṛṣṇa-hare-kṛṣṇakṛṣṇa-kṛṣṇa-hare-harehare-rāma-hare-rāmarāma-rāma-hare-hare'' as if it were an enchantment. My anger for being stopped swiftly faded away, replaced by a giddy feeling as I stared at my feet and laughed. Maya was dancing in a circle, with John swiftly behind her, in a sort of chase where they wouldn't touch.


Maya's POV

I was dancing, and I was running, away from John, like a mouse running away from a cat, though I wasn't scared, we were just dancing and running at the same time in a circle, without never getting caught. It felt wonderful, the world seemed to whoosh past me, the skies red and the grass vividly green, I heard music, all around me, even if it wasn't there. Our little dance stopped, John had placed his hands on my shoulders, steadying himself and steadying me. He had a smile on his face, the round glasses I had offered him perched on his nose. He crushed his lips to mine and his hands slid to the small of my back, clutching me tighter. The kiss was amazing, and it had a strange taste to it, almost like apples and cinnamon. I responded to his kiss passionately, I had a sort of rush and I wrapped my arms around his neck, locking myself to him. My mind was somewhere else, I wasn't really thinking, I was just feeling all tons of things, the feel of his warm hands on my back, my bare feet being prickled by the grass, the warm breeze that blew the hair out of my face, his lips against mine. And then, his slips were somewhere else, he was kissing my neck, softly, kissing my cheek and then my mouth again, placing his mouth to my ear and nibbling on my earlobe which made me squeal. He was slipping his hand under my shirt and up my back, his touch soft as a feather, pulling me closer, and then, reality sort of kicked in and I started to panic. I wasn't sure if I wanted this to happen, I snapped out of it for a second, resisting that urge to press John's body closer to mine, and I tried to push him away, but he wouldn't, angry tears started forming in my eyes as I tried with all my strenght to force him away. And then he was gone, my vision snapped back to normal. Paul was yelling at John, slapping his face, without restraint, while John gazed stupidly at him. '' You bloody bastard. You're high, she's high. Don't do this. What the hell were you thinking?'' he kept yelling while he kept slapping John's face. I felt my vision blur and refocus and the world was plunged in it's colorful haze again. I was crying, a lot, and I couldn't stop myself. I collapsed on the ground, clutching my knees to my chest and rocking back and forth, crying about who knows what. I stared at Paul again, Ringo was telling him that it was enough, while John still looked at Paul, a smirk plastered on his face. They seemed to be wearing colorful hats, or just a weird glowy aura that seemed to float all around them. I stared at George, and then started crying again. 


John's POV

I was being slapped by Paul, but I didn't feel the pain, I felt as if he was tickling my cheeks, and I was grinning. I felt happy, without reason. 

They came in through the bathroom window. ( Beatles fanfiction)- IN EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now