Chapter 9: Hold me tight

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George's POV

I ate my breakfast alone, while John was soaking Maya, Paul was reading the newspaper and Ringo was his usual Ringo, staring blankly into space and smoking. 

'' I say we go watch a movie today.'' said Paul

'' Which one?'' I asked, curious.

'' Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.'' I grinned, scary movies, oh, and if Maya would be scared, i'd hold her. Paul glared at me, and I wondered if I had said it all aloud, but I shrugged the thought away and nodded. '' Let's ask Maya.'' I went to the bathroom and I heard laughter , both John's and Maya's, I felt anger and I just wanted to hit the wall, but I exhaled slowly and opened the door, John was holding on to Maya's feet while the shower watered on her and she tried to get out, I closed the door, grimacing, and waited for one of them to get out of the bathroom.


Maya's POV

I got dried up and smiled. The bathroom door opened and in came George.

'' Hey, Maya?''

'' Yeah?'' I said, standing up, and walking up to him. 

'' Paul proposed going to the movies to see '' The Birds'' by this British director called Alfred Hitchcock.''

'' Is he the one that made Psycho?'' I said, excitedly,

'' Yes, I think.'' I nodded and smiled. '' Let's go then''


Ringo's POV

We went to the movies, all of us in disguises of course, and we found that it was an Alfred Hitchcock movie marathon, we first saw Vertigo, which I slept through, then we saw Psycho, which I particularly loved, the plot and the characters were simply wonderful and I could see John, Paul and George were all trying to act tough for Maya but she was being the toughest of them all, smiling and enjoying her movie; and then, came the Birds, that one actually gave me the creeps, and I felt Maya jump up in surprise beside me. We exited the cinema, talking and laughing like good old friends...Oh, how I missed the time when we were all just friends in a silly band without all this face and success. I felt a finger poking my ribs and I snapped out of my thoughts.

'' Norman, darling, will you please not turn into your mother and kill us all?'' said Paul, grinning.

'' I think you've got more of a mother spirit than I, Paulie, darling'' I responded in a sugary tone. The others laughed along with me and we arrived home.

'' Good night everyone.'' said Maya and then she went to her room. Paul curled up beside the piano, George claimed the couch, John went to smoke in the balcony and I made myself comfortable near the door. 


John's POV

I smoked until the boys were asleep and until my eyelids began to feel heavy. I groaned and got up, my back was killing me. I went into Maya's room and curled up on her rug. I waited for the sound of her soft and slow breathing, but I noticed they were long deep breaths so she must have been awake.

'' Maya?'' I asked, whispering

'' Yes?'' she whispered back

'' Can I sleep in the bed? My back's killing me.'' I think I heard her sigh and shift the covers around '' Yes.'' I got up and laid down on the bed beside her, feeling her warm body next to mine.

'' On one condition.'' she said, and I waited for her to continue. '' As long as you don't snore.'' I chuckled and smiled. 


Maya's POV

I could feel his warm shoulder pressed against mine. '' I have a condition too.'' he said, and I could hear the smile in his voice. '' As long as you don't take your clothes off to make me leave.'' He laughed, shaking the bed,  I blushed and then I smiled because he couldn't see that I had. 

'' Goodnight mr. Bates.'' I said playfully, pinching his shoulder softly. I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to claim me, the last thing I heard was his voice saying '' Goodnight Mrs. Crane.'' and his soft laughter shaking the bed. 


John's POV

I woke up to the sound of rain splattering against the window. The air was weirdly cold and I had my arm around someone. Maya. I thought, opening my eyes and looking at her. I had an arm wrapped around her waist and she was pressed against my chest, sleeping soundly. I smirked and kissed the top of her head. Maybe it was time to think about my feelings about this girl. She made me feel... amazing. She was easy to be around with, she was funny, she had this beautiful voice that could make you listen to her for hours, and she was beautiful, her green eyes inviting and her brown hair wildly out of control, everything unbelievably sexy. But then Paul and George seemed to have a liking for her too... 

'' Oh fuck it.'' I said, burying my face in her hair and trying to get back to sleep again. I heard the clearing of a voice by the doorway and I sighed. The voice sounded annoyed. I lifted my head up and saw that it was Ringo, I couldn't help but feel relief that it was him and not George, or Paul, which would  have been worse. I let go of Maya's waist, trying not to wake her and she groaned, saying '' Shut up Bates.'' I laughed and got up, scratching my head and went up to Ringo.

'' What up Rings?'' He frowned, shrugged and then said '' The other lads would have killed you for that.'' I nodded, understanding. '' They're not awake yet, and I won't tell, I think.'' he said, almost to himself, deep in his thoughts. I smiled, being with Ringo was easy, he was an easy person that would let go of things. '' You really like her, don't you John?'' he suddenly asked, his blue eyes curious. 

I nodded. '' I haven't felt this way about someone in a long time... She's not the typical groupie.'' He smirked and laughed. '' I can agree with you on that.'' I looked around in my pockets and took out a cigarette, lighting it and offering one to Ringo, he nodded and took one, lighting it with his own lighter. We walked to the living room, smoking, each engrossed in his own thoughts and we stifled a laugh when we saw Paul, his mouth slightly hanging open, snoring loudly and muttering things about birds. George had half of his body hanging out of the couch, and he kept twitching and saying something about empty eye sockets and birds everywhere. I grimaced, remembering the images of the movies we had seen the day before and smiled at the thought that having Maya in my arms had taken them away. Ringo sat in the balcony and I sat at the piano. I took a few minutes to concentrate, and then began playing the ''Psycho'' movie theme song , pressing hardly on the keys, until my wish was fulfilled and the boys started stirring.

'' WH- WHAT WHAT WHAT Norman don't do this, don't please don't.'' said Paul, putting his hands in front of his face shielding his eyes from whatever he thought was going to attack him.

George fell completely off the couch. '' I'M UP. I'M UP ALREADY, BLOODY HELL.'' 

Maya came into the living room, rubbing her eyes and yawning. '' Fucking Hitchcock.'' she kept muttering sleepily.  

'' GOOD MORNING LOVELIES, HAD A GOOD SLEEP AT NORMAN BATES'S MOTEL?'' I screamed cheerfully as they winced to my high pitched scream. 

'' John, I will kill you in your sleep.'' muttered Paul, sighing and sitting up. 

''Did someone push me off the couch? Or am I going mad?'' said George, rubbing a spot in his head where he had hid it. Maya just yawned and stared at the wall absentmindedly. I stayed there, looking at her, her eyes, her face, her frown, her messy hair, her black shirt and red checkered pants.

'' So. What shall we do today?'' said Ringo from the balcony.

'' I badly need a drink.'' said Maya. Paul and George stared at her, surprised. I smirked and Ringo coughed from the balcony. I knew what we would be doing today.

They came in through the bathroom window. ( Beatles fanfiction)- IN EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now