Chapter 11: Here Comes The Sun

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Maya's POV

My face was pressed against something cold and hard, a handle, a bar, something like, a metal bar. I moved my arm, clutching nothing but air, and I opened my eyes. My face was pressed against the railings of the balcony, my hand was sticking out, I had a wave of panic rush through me, I only lived on the 1st floor, but it looked so far away through the drunken haze, if I fell my skull would just bash open on the sidewalk. I gulped and tried turning around, pressing my face against some else's, I couldn't quite see whose face it was, the sun was beginning to come up, but it was still a bit dark. Brown hair framing his face, long bangs covering his forehead, full lips with a trace of a smile, small nose, round cheeks, full eyelashes, his soft brown eyes peering into mine, Paul. 

''' Good morning, love.'' he whispered, his warm breath tickling my face. '' Sleep alright?'' he said, his eyes full of concern. I nodded and groaned because of the headache that made its sudden appearance. One of his arms was around my waist, and the other one was under my head, supporting me, like a pillow. 

'' Maya, I wanted to tell you something...'' I waited for him to continue, watching his warm brown eyes. '' I think that you're a wonderful person, and even if I haven't known you for really that long, I feel like i've known you somewhere else, you're beautiful, I love to see you smile, and laugh, and you're simply unpredictable, which makes you even more unique. You're not the usual crazed fan, you didn't care about knowing our lives by heart, you just enjoyed the music. And, music. When you sing, I feel all tons of things when I hear you sing, it's just so wonderful, and I ...'' I was trying hard not to laugh and cry at the same time, taking in deep breaths. Paul McCartney is telling you that he feels something for you... '' Well, I wanted you to know.'' he said, embarrassed by his sudden confession. I smiled and closed my eyes. '' Wake up already, Maya.'' I kept saying aloud, pinching my arm. I opened them again, and Paul was looking frustrated, brushing the hair out of my face and just letting his fingers trail all along my face, my nose, my lips, my eyes. I shivered. '' You really think this is a dream, don't you?'' asked Paul. '' Yes.'' I said, while he brought his face closer and he placed his lips on top of mine. I felt that sudden jolt of electricity rush through me and I kissed him back, his soft lips in synchronization with mine, but I pulled away. This isn't real, this isn't happening. Why would Paul McCartney want me? Out of all the beautiful girls, why me? Why? This is not possible. And he'll probably crush my heart, as soon as he gets the chance. His eyes saddened and lost their color a bit, his mouth set into a grimace. ''I'm sorry.'' he muttered, while he unwrapped his arm from my waist and he looked up at the sky, ignoring me. I'm sorry too. I thought, while I closed my eyes and I hoped that I could sleep some more.


George's POV

''You don't realize how much I need you,

love you all the time

and never leave you.

please come on back to me. 

i'm lonely as can be. 

i need you.

said you had a thing or two to tell me. 

how was i to know

you would upset me?

i didn't realize 

as i looked in your eyes

you told me, oh yes, you told me you don't want my lovin' anymore.

that's when it hurt me and feeling like this 

i just can't go on anymore.

please remember how i feel about you, 

i could never really live without you.

so, come on back and see 

just what you mean to me. 

i need you. 

i need you.

i need you.''

That song kept running around in my head every time I fell asleep. Though, I think this time I had sung it last night... Maya sure did know how to drink herself into oblivion. We had had vodka, tequila, rhum and wine. She had brought a hookah, and she had started reciting a Lewis Carroll poem while John danced around her and I think I sung the Hare Krishna mantra . I didn't really remember, and well, it didn't really matter.  I knew that when I opened my eyes I would have to sit up and I'd get a headache, so I just stayed there, my eyes closed, listening to the soft breathing of my friends, and I heard Paul's clear voice saying '' You're beautiful... And that when you sing you feel all tons of things.'' I frowned, Paul was talking to Maya, telling her how he felt about her. I felt shock, hurt and then anger, I had to tell Maya how I felt about her, but not right now. 


John's POV

''How doth the little crocodile

Improve his shining tail,

And pour the waters of the Nile

On every golden scale!

How cheerfully he seems to grin, 

How neatly spread his claws,

And welcoms his little fishes in

With gently smiling jaws!''

My dream had a hazy quality to it, Paul, George and Ringo were dressed as crocodiles, and Maya and I were fishes, swimming happily and going into one of the crocodile mouths, getting eaten. I shivered and woke up, opening my eyes slowly. The images of the party flashed through my mind, Paul playing happily the piano, Maya reciting Lewis Carroll and Charles Baudelaire while George walked around her in a circle, muttering the Hare Krishna. Then we were all dancing around, holding hands, making a circle. And we were smoking hookah, letting the smoke float out of our noses instead of our mouths, and the air was all misty because of it. I remember singing a lot too, my throat felt sore. I sat up, wincing and looked around, George was staring at the ceiling, I could see him blink, Ringo was snoring and hugging an empty bottle of vodka, Paul was lying down in the balcony with Maya beside him, I wonder what he's telling her... Maybe I already lost my chance. Oh, no, I won't let him. I sat back down and tried to go back to sleep, lulled by Ringo's soft snoring.


Ringo's POV

The boat I was on was sinking, I had nothing to hold on to, but this huge pole that was sticking out of the sea, like a buoy a few meters away. I was swimming as fast as I could towards it, the waves crashing on top of me, my lungs aching with exhaustion, until I got there, I climbed to the top and held on to it until my arms were burning from the effort, I kept holding it, and then the dream vanished. The room had a red haze to it, the sun was coming up, lighting up the whole living room with its warm red light.

Here comes the sun. I thought. I should probably sleep more. I sang myself to sleep, remembering the lullabies my mother sang to me.

They came in through the bathroom window. ( Beatles fanfiction)- IN EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now