Chapter 28: I've Just Seen A Face

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Maya's POV

I woke up an hour later, I was slighly edgy as I silently closed my bedroom door, leaving a sleeping John sprawled on the rug. I tiptoed to the living room and see George, fast asleep in the balcony, in his meditating position. Ringo's snoring against the glass door, his face smushed, but his sleep unbothered by his uncomfortable position. I smiled and placed the note that said that I'd gone to Jimmy's shop on the table and opened the door. Even if it was February, the air was a little chilly as I wrapped the scarf around my neck a little tighter. I pulled down the sleeves of my knit sweater so my hands wouldn't get cold and I walked the few blocks to the coffee shop where I worked. I opened the door and breathed in the air of fresh coffee.

''Hey, Maya. Back so soon?'' said Mr. Jackson, looking up from his newspaper.

''Not really, I came to get some coffee.'' I responded, heading towards the counter.

''Maya. Joie de ma vie, Maya.'' yelled Robert delightedly from behind the counter. He laughed and kissed both my cheeks, french style.

''How've you been, Rob?'' I asked as I sat on a stool and he made three lattes.

''I've been good. Maureen left for an art show in Toronto, she's coming back next week.'' he said, smiling dreamily. Maureen's his girlfriend, they've been together many months and they love each other dearly. I smiled and pulled on a strand of his curly blond hair, taking him back to reality as he was about to spill the hot milk. He poured the three coffees in three disposable cups and smiled.

''So, who's the coffee for?'' he asked with a wink and I unexpectedly blushed.

''I'm leaving Rob. To Paris, this week or the next, I don't know.'' I said, avoiding his question and getting straight to the point.

''Well, then.'' he said, straightening his curls. '' Bonne chance a Paris.'' he added, playing with his hair and smiling. ''Now, pray tell, who are the coffees for?''

''Jimmy , someone else and me.''

''That someone else blank has to fill itself you know?'' he chuckled

''No it doesn't'' I said avoiding his eyes.

''You know you'll tell me anyways.''

''Paul McCartney.''

''Now, now, Maya, Don't lie.'' His brow furrowed in annoyance, but then he saw that my face was serious and his face showed his surprise. He shrugged and then smiled again.

''Then you better go bring him that coffee quick, before it gets cold.'' He placed the three cups in a sort of plate so I could carry them and he met my eyes. '' Serve with a kiss, please.'' he said teasingly and kissed my cheek.

''Don't forget to write to me from Paris. I'll visit you soon.'' 

''Bye Rob. Bye, Mr Jackson.'' I said, heading outside.

I managed to wrap the scarf around me again as the cold win struck my throat and I walked to Jimmy's shop. I didn't even bother to knock, the door was open anyways, a sound of bells, which were attached to the door, anounced my arrival. Though, no one came. I went inside, sighing in relief as I was surrounded by the smell of incense and grass. The shop was warmer and I loosened the scarf from my neck. Everything was silent, even the sound of my steps, muffled by the carpet. 

''Hello?'' I whispered. I got no response and I closed my eyes, trying to make out any noise from the empty shop. I heard a pair of soft nores, one of them oddly familiar and the other one strange. I smiled and looked at my watch, it was around six, and I could let them sleep a little. I went to the area where the records were and made myself comfortable, placing the coffee on a nearby table and pulling out records. I found a single, by the Kinks, Long Tall Sally, and I stroked the cover, placing it beside me. I pulled out Elvis's Hound Dog and Heartbreak Hotel singles and piled them up with The Kinks. I finally pulled Sinatra's If You Are but a Dream and I took a sip of my coffee, calculating how much they would cost me so when Jimmy woke up I could pay for them. I then wandered around the many clothing racks, trying to kill time, but without picking anything I sat on the chair behind the cash register and placed my arms on the counter. I closed my eyes and drifted a little, waking up again and sleeping lightly again. 

''Maya?'' I heard a faint voice and a cold hand pressed against my cheek.

''Hey.'' I said groggily, turning around so I was facing Jimmy.

''What are you doing here?'' he said while he straightened his shirt and he scratched his head.

''I came to see how Paul was going and take him home.'' I said, handing him one of the cups of coffee as he sat on the counter. 

''He's still asleep.'' he said in a flat voice and I looked at him for a while. He shrugged and stared at a spot ahead of him. I placed my head on his lap and I closed my eyes, while his hand reached up and stroked my hair. 

''I'm going to miss you, you know?'' I said, and he murmured a yes.

''You can come visit me whenever you want.'' I added

'' I will.'' he said, lighting up a little. '' I saw that you picked some records. Going hard on Elvis again?'' I could almost hear his smile

''Yes. Always.'' I said, laughing lightly ,pulling my head off his lap and reaching for my coffee cup. I didn't see Jimmy get off the counter, but he was suddenly there, his face so close to mine that his breathing tickled the bridge of my nose. He pressed his lips to mine for a few seconds, and I froze, unable to react, or to breathe, I stood there, clutching my cup of coffee in one hand and leaning against the counter with the other. I heard the clearing of a voice and Jimmy took a step back, clearly not ashamed and looked directly at a tired-looking and now sad-looking Paul. 

They came in through the bathroom window. ( Beatles fanfiction)- IN EDITIONDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora