Chapter 25: I need you

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George's POV

I felt something squeeze my arm and a soft voice whispering my name. I thought it was all just a dream because the voice whispering was Maya's.

'' Please wake up.'' urged the voice as the hand that squeezed my arm sunk its nails into it. I opened my eyes and was surprised to find Maya trying to wake me up, shaking my shoulder violently.

'' What's wrong, love?'' I said, yawning a little.

'' I can't sleep. I need to talk to someone. And I need you to teach me how to meditate.'' she whispered. I felt really flattered as she had woken me up, instead of Paul or John and I smiled, getting up. She took my hand and led me to the balcony, walking past John whom was still sitting in the couch but was asleep now.  She closed the door and she sat in front of me. She bit her nails and she stared hesitantly at me.

'' Talk Maya.'' I said, sitting closer to her. ''Tell me everything you want to tell me.'' I smiled and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

'' I can't believe she's dead. I can't. It feels so unreal. I won't hug her or talk to her again, ever. And I hadn't seen her in four years, since I moved. We had a fight just before I left. And now I have to come back to Paris, and relive everything. I feel horrible. It isn't fair. God, I'm such a horrible daughter.'' she said, covering her face with her hands and starting to cry. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her onto my lap, cradling her in my arms while she buried her face into my shoulder and cried. 

''You'll see her again. You'll see... I do not know what you believe in, heaven, reincarnation, energy but still, she'll be with you, always, watching over you. '' I said softly, while I held her closer. '' You're not a horrible daughter. It's not your fault she died. You can make it up to her by being with your father. Helping him cope.'' She cried harder and I held her until her sobs became hiccups and finally stopped. She unburied her face from my shoulder and kissed my cheek, trying to entangle herself from my arms, but I didn't let her go.

''Close your eyes.'' I told her as I set her down on the balcony floor. '' Sit down, with your spine straight. Cross your legs if you want. I want you to take deep breaths and let go of every part of your body, don't tense up, let the muscles relax. Then, when you feel like your muscles are relaxed, concentrate only in your breathing, count the seconds if you want, or picture yourself in a happy place. When you feel content, you can stop and open your eyes. I'll be right here beside you.'' I said as I sat in the same position, taking deep breaths and straightening up my spine. I closed my eyes and concentrated hard on my breathing, I thought about the feeling of the wind ruffling my hair, the hard floor under my bare feet, the faint sound of the cars driving through the streets, the feel of the cold air against my bare arms.

'' How long do I have to do this for?'' I groaned as I was taken back to reality, Maya was sniffling a little and she was staring at me.

''Until you feel relaxed.'' I responded, closing my eyes again. I let myself drift again.

''And when will that be?'' she whispered and I sighed.

''Love, if you want to meditate, you have to be quiet.'' I reproached as gently as I could. She kept quiet and I concentrated on my breathing again. 

''George.'' she said

'' What.'' I snapped, not bothering to open my eyes.

''Never mind.'' she whispered

''Tell me.''

''Where's Paul?'' she asked, her voice distant as she headed inside.

''I don't... wait... where IS Paul?'' I responded, getting up and starting to worry. I went up to John and shook his shoulder.

''John. John, wake up.'' I insisted.

''Wha...Mimi it's too early...'' he groaned, rolling over.

''John. It's me. George. Wake up.'' I urged.

''Stop it Mimi.''

''John. Where's Paul?'' I asked 

His eyes snapped open at the sound of Paul's name.

''Paul. Is he back? I have to apologize. Paul?'' he sat up and looked at us.

''Back from where?'' asked Maya.

'' I don't know... He said he was going for a walk and he was drunk and he isn't back yet...'' he said. '' I thought he'd be back soon...And I let him go and...''

I saw Maya sit beside John, biting nervously on her nails.

'' We have to look for him.'' she said, standing up a little straighter.

'' It's 4 am, Maya.'' said Ringo, appearing beside me.

''You're going to wait until it's nice and shining while one of your best friends wanders around a city he doesn't know, drunk? '' she snapped at him and I was shocked at the anger.

''Hey...Calm down, we'll find him.'' said John, placing his hand on hers.

Suddenly, the phone began to ring, making us all jump up in surprise. Maya picked it up and she spent a few minutes, talking in hushed whispers.

They came in through the bathroom window. ( Beatles fanfiction)- IN EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now