Chapter 20: Don't Let Me Down

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Maya's POV

I knew I'd fallen asleep around midday, because when I woke up again it was dark, the curtains in my room were closed. I heard soft snores coming from the floor, John. I sat up, thirsty. Paul was sitting at the edge of my bed, asleep against the wall. His body was oriented towards me so I guessed that he had been watching over me. George was sitting on a chair, his head inclined sideways, his mouth slightly hanging open. I took out the half-empty vodka bottle from under the covers and tried standing up.

'' You'll be needing this.'' said a soft voice while a glass appeared before my eyes. It was water. I took it and waited until my eyes got used to the darkness in the room and saw that it was Ringo's silhouette. '' And I'll be taking this.'' he said, taking the bottle from my side and stepping out of my room. I sighed in protest but managed to croak a thank you. I tried getting back to sleep again and I had a horrible dream. The dream was red, scarlet red, as if I was wearing red glasses. The people I loved kept dying around me. My already dead mom. My dad. My grandparents. The Beatles. For some strange reason, the Beatles were there, dying with my small family, and I couldn't do anything but watch, watch as they writhed in pain, and they finally died, their mouths wide open, like fish out of the water. Their still eyes stared at me, judging me. I awoke with a small sob.

'' Hey... It's alright love, it's just a dream.'' said that clear voice I knew all too well. Strong arms were wrapped around me. I buried my face against his chest and I sobbed, not caring if anyone woke up. He caressed my hair and kissed my head, whispering that he was there and he wasn't leaving. He sung to me, La Vie en Rose, and, noticing that it made me sob harder he sung P.S I love you and Till There Was You. He held me until I stopped sobbing. He let me go, unwillingly and I stared at him. He left his hand entwined with mine and I curled up under the blankets again. He sat at the edge of the bed, not letting go of my hand, and I let sleep claim me again, wishing for no more nightmares.

I woke up later again, this time I hadn't dreamt anything, I just had this urge to write, and I needed to wake up . Paul didn't wake up this time, he still had his hand locked with mine, but he was softly asleep. George had shifted, and now his head was leaning back. John was still a snoring heap on the ground. I took my hand away from Paul's ,carefully, as to not wake him and reached for the notebook and pen that were always under my bed. I got up, shivering when my feet touched the cold ground and I took my cigarette pack, heading for the balcony, my safe place.


George's POV

When the boys were back, Paul carrying flowers, John carrying records and my leather sandals and Ringo carrying a camera he'd bought I told them why Maya was like that.

'' Her mother died.'' 

'' Oh.'' said John

'' Dear god.'' said Paul

Ringo remained silent. '' So that's why she acted liked that...'' said John. '' Poor Maya.'' said Paul, standing up and going towards the door of her apartment. 

'' No.'' I said, standing in his way. '' She asked us to leave. We should wait until she's asleep or something...'' Paul's eyes flashed angrily and I knew he was going to yell at me but then his face changed and he relaxed. He nodded and gave me a light smile before sitting down again. John was watching Paul with worried eyes, and for a second our eyes met and I saw him nod. We'd never seen Paul act like this about a girl, but then, his mother had died so he probably understood what Maya was going through. We waited until we couldn't supress our hunger and our need to shower and sleep so we went quietly inside. Maya was curled up in her bed, cradling a vodka bottle to her chest. We didn't want to wake her so we just covered her up and positioned ourselves near her in case she needed us. Ringo went to sleep by the window, he seemed to like that spot a lot. John curled up on the rug, as usual. Paul sat at the edge of her bed, watching her and never taking his eyes off her sleeping body, I pulled up a chair, next to the bed and closed my eyes, trying to meditate. I soon fell asleep. 

                             ------------------------- SHORT CHAPTER, I'M SO SORRY <3 -------

They came in through the bathroom window. ( Beatles fanfiction)- IN EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now