Chapter 8: It's only love.

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Maya's POV

The air was cold, and my nose felt numb. I was swimming and then I was drowning, and no one would come, I would plunge into darkness without anyone noticing my disappearance. I screamed, and woke up in someone's arms. 

'' It's okay love, you're awake, it was just a dream.'' 

I buried my face in whoever's chest it was and breathed a sight of relief. I looked up, and saw Ringo, his blue eyes twinkling, smiling warmly at me. He rubbed my back soothingly and let me go when I stopped shivering.

'' Do you want me to make you some coffee?'' he asked, breaking the awkward silence. I nodded and he left, I went after him, going into the kitchen, barefoot and biting my nails. He made black coffee and handed me a mug while he poured honey in his.

'' A taste of honey tastes much sweeter than wine, in your coffee.'' He grinned, and I snickered, remembering that it was a song.

'' Where is everyone?'' I asked, with curiosity

'' George's on your couch, Paul in your bed, John is sleeping in the bathtub and he seems quite comfortable and well, I'm here.'' He chuckled.

'' What time is it?'' I said, brushing my hair with my fingers, untangling the knots. '' Nine 'o clock, i think.'' My stomach grumbled and I smiled. '' I'm making omelet, want one?''  

'' Sure.'' he answered, sitting on a stool by the door. '' Oh, by the way, I need your advice''

'' Yeah?'' I asked while I was beating the eggs in a bowl.

'' Should we call Brian? At least to tell him that we're alright?''  I put the bowl down on the counter. '' You haven't called? He doesn't know you're here?'' I asked, scowling.

'' No'' he said, embarrassed. '' Well, you should have.'' I said, grounding him. '' Call him now, go, I'll finish the omelets.'' I flipped mine and Ringo's on a plate and left his on the table, eating mine as I walked to my room, looking for clothes. I heard snores, and I saw Paul, his mouth slightly open, his hair all ruffled, sleeping, his face peaceful and innocent. I took my clothes and walked quietly out of my room and into the bathroom. Shit. John was sleeping in the bathtub and I needed to take a bath. I sighed and started pulling his arm, he didn't wake up, he just groaned and said.

'' Mimi, let me sleep''. I kept pulling on his arm, slipping him out of the bathtub and placing him on the bathroom floor. I tried carrying him out of the bathroom but he wouldn't budge. Oh well. I threw a towel on his face, shielding his eyes and took off my clothes. I took my shower as fast and as thoroughly as possible and I dressed in the bathroom, John still asleep. I snickered and grabbed the toothpaste, drawing expertly a mustache and round glasses on his face and I  left , closing the door behind me.


Ringo's POV

I grabbed the phone, my palms sweaty and dialed Brian's number. His usual cheery voice sounded low and worried.

'' Brian Epstein talking, may I help you?''

'' Brian!''

'' Ringo? Is that you? Where the hell are you? I swear to God I'm going to kill McCartney when I get my hands on him.''

'' We're fine Brian, don't worry,  we found a place to stay, and we're staying, at least for a few days, we need a rest.''

'' What about the tour? And the press conferences?''

'' We need rest Brian, please.'' I heard him sigh on the other line, and I knew that he was going to give in. '' Fine, but I want you to keep me posted, and when you're back, I'm keeping my eye on you lads, I'll even follow you to the loo.'' I laughed and smiled, he cared about us, I understood. '' Go enjoy yourself then, he said, Bye now. Call me when you feel homesick and want to see me.'' he added jokingly.


John's POV

It smelt like mint toothpaste. It was a nice smell, fresh. Though, my face felt like it was burning, under my nouse and around my eyes. Maybe it was just side effects, I shrugged and got up, yawning. Ringo, Paul and Maya were eating breakfast, I sat on the empty chair and stared at them. Ringo choked on his drink, Paul started laughing and Maya was blushing and trying to keep herself from laughing.

'' What?''

'' Well...Ouch... nothing, nothing'' said Ringo, rubbing his arm where Maya had pinched him.

'' Want some breakfast, Johnny boy?'' said Paul. My stomach growled and I nodded, he went into the kitchen, his shoulder shaking from silent laughter. What the hell? I something wrong with my face? Ringo was staring at his hands, and Maya was biting her lip, as if to prevent herself from talking, or laughing. I heard a groan from the living room and turned on my seat to see George, waking up, rubbing his eyes and coming towards us. 

'' Good morning, lads.'' he said while he yawned. He walked up to me and placed his finger under my nose, he then brought it to his mouth and laughed. '' Oh, minty, tastes good.''

'' And there goes the joke.'' mumbled Ringo.

'' Mint? Wha...'' I said while I touched the spot under my nose and bringing it up to my mouth, toothpaste. I felt anger rush through me and I looked at Ringo, lifting his hands up in the air in surrender. Paul was standing in the doorway, lifting up his hands too. Maya was staring at me, a smirk on her face. '' Guilty.'' I said, looking at her , suddenly carrying her to the bathroom and turning the shower on her while she giggled and laughed. '' Let me gooooooooooo.'' she kept giggling and laughing.

'' Payback love.'' I finally let her go and she kept squeezing her hair, squeezing the water out of it. I headed for the door, kissing her cheek and leaving her to dry herself, singing softly to myself and wiping out the cream out of my face.

They came in through the bathroom window. ( Beatles fanfiction)- IN EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now