Chapter 4: A Taste of Honey

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Maya's POV

The minutes passed by quickly, but if felt like hours. Long, long hours in which I had spoken to each Beatle and talked about anything from music to litterature. I still didn't really believe they were actually there, it just didn't seem plausible. My stomach growled, and I smiled apologetically at Paul, whom I was talking to about french litterature. He didn't seem to mind and he laughed. He was even more handsome in person, his warm brown eyes, his smile that showed his dimples and his dark brown hair. 

'' Who wants to eat?'' I said

'' Aye'' said John, looking up from a Charles Baudelaire book.

'' Me'' yelled Ringo, waking up to my call.

'' I'll help'' said George

'' I'll come too'' said Paul, looking at George, frowning and getting up.

We went into the kitchen and I rummaged through the cupboards, finding flour, eggs and milk. I looked through the fridge and took out tomatoes, cheese, ham and pineapple.

'' Pizza it is.'' I laughed, handing the tomatoes and a knife to George and telling Paul to mix together the flour, eggs and milk. They took my orders without protest and I smiled. Ringo and John popped in and out of the kitchen, taking little pieces of cheese and ham, I had to banish them from of the kitchen until the food was done. We sat in the living room, some on the old battered couch I owned and others on the floor, I sat beside the piano. The meal was accompanied with vodka, rhum and whisky. We ate until we were all full, and then the Beatles played, their songs, Elvis songs, Edith Piaf songs, and lulled by their sweet voices, I fell asleep.


Paul's POV

I didn't know I could cook, my dad and Michael would have been proud. We had a nice dinner, we ate until it felt like my stomach was going to explode and we drank until my vision became blurry and I tried to strum my guitar without messing up. The boys were as drunk and as blurry as me. Yes, I was a little bit drunk. I think Maya fell asleep, though I don't remember when we stopped playing, but as I woke up and it was still dark, which seemed weird to me, I guessed I hadn't slept much. I closed my eyes and drifted off again.


George's POV

My head hurt, I opened my eyes slowly and sat up, feeling unbalanced and uncoordinated. I was asleep on the living room floor, and it wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. John was snoring against the wall, and Ringo was mumbling in his sleep, Maya wasn't anywhere to be seen. I guessed that she would probably be sleeping in her room. I got up and leaning again the wall, I came into the kitchen and drank a glass of water.

I felt slightly disoriented and chuckled, I normally could hold on to my liquor better than that. I then realized it smelt like cigarettes, I followed the scent and found myself going back into the living room and to the balcony. I opened the glass door and saw Maya, smoking and wrapped up in blankets, looking at the empty streets below. She didn't look up, I sat beside her in silence, admiring the view, until she turned her head towards me, her eyes watery and her nose red from crying. I looked at her, trying to decipher whatever she was crying about, but her face was closed. She offered the cigarette and I took it, brushing my fingers with hers for a very short instant. She shivered and I felt an electrical shock jerk all the way up my arm. I dragged on the cigarette and blew out the smoke, slowly, it had been a while since I had last smoked, it felt alright. 

'' What's...'' I began to say, but she interrupted by grabbing my hand and pressing it to her cheek. Her face was cold from the night air and mine warm, she kept it there a few instants, which seemed to comfort her. She sighed and then she released my hand. We sat there, in silence, while I smoked her cigarette until it finally got close to burning my mouth and I crushed against the balcony floor. She took two others and handed me one, lighting her own and then lighting mine, being careful not to burn me. When we were done, she sighed, rubbing her eyes and she smiled at me, her green eyes shining again. 

'' I'm going to bed'' she said. Getting up and kissing my cheek as she left for her room. I stayed there, her kiss lingering, and I reached up to touch it, grinning. I took the covers she left on the balcony floor and laid down on my back, watching the stars, I fell asleep laughing at myself.


John's POV

I felt stiff, I opened my eyes, the sun was coming out, the orange toned light filtrated through the balcony door. I moved a bit, trying to find a comfortable position to keep on sleeping, but I couldn't. I looked for a pillow, or a blanket but couldn't find one. I groaned, getting up and heading to Maya's room. She was sleeping in her bed, curled up under the blankets. I looked at her for a few minutes, tempted to lie down beside her but then I felt a wave of dizziness and sleep creep over me, so I sighed, curled up on the cobalt rug and fell asleep.


Ringo's POV

I dreamt that we were at concert, and I got to do a drums solo which I did, for what seemed like hours and hours, but suddenly my hands would start bleeding, and the drumsticks would slip from my grasp, the fans would boo at me and throw food. I was kicked out of the band and I became a sad and miserable lad. I had no friends, not one. And I met this strange girl, with brown hair and green eyes who'd tell me that it was alright, that I would mend and I could go back to playing. The dream faded while I realized that the girl was Maya.

They came in through the bathroom window. ( Beatles fanfiction)- IN EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now