Chapter 16: Yes it is

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Maya's POV

I was used to waking up alone in a cold bed, and I was surprised when I felt a warm body pressed against mine. Strong arms were incircling me and a mouth was pressed against my ear, breathing. I tensed, wondering who it might be but sighed in relief when I heard a clear familiar voice.

''Welcome back, love.''

I smiled a little, enjoying the feeling of being held by someone while his warm breath tickled my ear.

''Hi.'' I said, my voice dry and hoarse. '' What time is it?'' I suddenly asked. '' I believe it is 6 in the morning, sleeping beauty.'' he answered and I blushed. '' Where is everyone?'' I said, snuggling deeper in his arms.'' Sleeping, as you should be.'' he said, a hint of a smile in his voice. My mind started waking up and I started doubting myself. '' What are you doing here?'' I asked, wide awake. '' Sleep now, love, we'll talk when you've rested.'' he said, interrupting me, kissing my neck, sending shivers down my whole body. He unwrapped his arms from around me and he sat up. He took my face in his hands, letting his hazel eyes melt into mine. ''I love you.'' Paul whispered.

'' That's not true.'' I said back at him

'' It is true. I wish that you'd feel the same. Never mind then, sleep love. '' he said, breaking the eye contact, stepping over John, a sleeping heap on my rug and going out of the room.

I sighed and rubbed the spot on my neck where he had kissed it. I love you. Those three words echoed through my head relentlessly. What IS love? I wondered And why the hell would he want me? I sighed and groaned when images from the park flashed through my head and then it hit me. When the hell did we get home? I didn't even remember driving, or falling asleep. I bit on my nails, regretting everything that I had done and was now remembering. I looked at John from my bed. His hair all messy, his face relaxed, his eyes moving under his eyelids, dreaming. I felt anger, for a second and I bit down hard on my nail, until I heard a deafening crack and half of my nail was now ripped out. I buried my face in the pillow and screamed, the pillow muffling the sound. I felt anxious, every small noise bothering me and making me edgy. I wanted to hit something, break something, throw something, just do something with my hands. I didn't notice I was trembling, until I heard a voice by the door.

'' Anxious, much?'' It was Ringo, he was leaning against the door frame, brushing the hair out of his eyes and watching me with his twinkling blue eyes framed by his slightly raised eyebrows. '' I told you, you shouldn't have.'' he continued, in a scowling tone. I hugged my shoulders, trying to contain myself from springing up. '' I believe coffee will help.'' he said, smiling suddenly and raising his hand, beckoning for me to come with him. I jumped up from the bed and walked to the door, carefully avoiding John's curled up body. Ringo poured me a cup of steaming coffee and he made himself a cup of chai tea.

'' Had a fun trip?'' said Ringo, smiling at his joke. I shrugged and concentrated on my drink. '' I don't really remember falling asleep, or driving here.''

'' Paul and I drove all of you home. You were a crying mess on the floor, George I believe was in his way to becoming a Krisna follower and John was about to faint from all the slaps Paul had given him to get him off you.'' he answered truthfully, not worried about startling me in any way. I had tried remembering the events of the night without dawning too much on the details between John and me but the images vividly came alive in my mind . I groaned, feeling slightly slutty and wondering why Paul still loved me, I'd actually enjoyed it, but I wasn't going to think too hard about that, it was out of the question.

'' Sorry about being so straight-forward. I had this mate of mine who was constantly high on those, scared the hell out of me, I never really did know if he was clean or the drugs were talking. I think he died, jumped off a bridge. So, seeing people drugged on mushrooms isn't really a great view.'' he said, clearly noticing my shocked face.

'' It's alright, you were right anyways, I'm a fool, I shouldn't have. '' I nodded, taking another sip of my coffee and getting my tongue burnt.

'' Judging from your crying I can deduce that you didn't have much fun in your trip?'' he said, bringing out the topic again. I shook my head. '' If you want to talk about it, I'm all ears, darling.'' he added, winking and taking a drink from his tea.

'' Thanks Ringo. I appreciate it.'' I said, smiling lightly. '' You're not as bad as everyone says you are.''

'' Who says I'm bad?'' he asked, his eyes glinting

'' Oh, it's just... I thought you would be a very closed person, but I was wrong. I'm glad I was wrong'' I said.

'' Oh well... Is the coffee helping the restlessness?'' I hugged my shoulders again, I wasn't trembling anymore, I didn't feel like I wanted to scream, or do anything. I nodded. '' Thanks.'' '' No problem, darling.''

'' Love is such a confusing thing.'' I said. He choked on his coffee, he didn't expect the conversation to turn in that direction. He nodded and cleared his throat.

'' Paulie, Johnnie and Georgie got to your heart?'' he asked, almost bitterly.


Ringo's POV

She mumbled something like So did you and I smiled. This girl was different, really different. '' Thanks.'' I said, in response, she looked puzzled.

'' For what?'' For making me feel as worthy as any of the other Beatles. '' Oh, nothing, don't worry about it, darling.'' I said, clearly wanting to change the subject as I got up and served myself some tea.

'' Describe what you felt yesterday.'' I said, sitting down again.

'' You've never eaten mushrooms?'' she asked, surprised.

'' No.'' I grinned. '' Never had the courage, nor the proper encouragement.''

'' Wow.'' she said at first. '' Well, I find it particularly amazing, the colors, the sounds, it's just so... amazing. Everything is so sharp, so vividly colored, you're aware of everything. Your mind roams free,  for example, for me, for my writing, it helps so much, it gives you so many ideas and things and...'' She stopped for a second, to take a sip of her coffee while she brushed the hair out of her tired face. '' It's really wonderful, it's a wonderful experience. '' she concluded

'' Alright then.'' I said, crossing my hands on the table, my stomach suddenly growled and I smiled apologetically. '' I want apple pie.'' said Maya. Maybe she still had the random effects of psilocybin. She got up and dug around her kitchen, piling up ingredients on the counter. '' Will you help?'' she said. '' I'm probably sure those hands are capable of more than just drumming.'' she then added, laughing to herself, probably hearing it the wrong way. I got up and helped her make the dough, while I sliced the apples, carefully trying not to cut a finger off. We finally finished and laughed, dusting off the flour from our clothes. We slid the pie in the oven and Maya went to smoke while I watched the pie, my stomach awaiting hungrily.

They came in through the bathroom window. ( Beatles fanfiction)- IN EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now