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         Running up the stairs and to her room, she saw how messy her bed was and walked to it

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         Running up the stairs and to her room, she saw how messy her bed was and walked to it. The first thing she noticed was her bible. It wasn't on the page she left it. Grabbing it in her hand, she read the verse that was highlighted in pink.

For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

Proverbs 24:16

After reading it, she knew that the one who talked to her through this verse was no one else but God. And she knew that it was an encouragement for her to ask for forgiveness to everyone she felt like she needed to apologize. Thanking God for once again, she closed her eyes and prayed to Him, thanking Him and also repenting for everything wrong she'd done.

After that, she walked to her wardrobe and grabbed her deep blue dress that was just long enough to hide her knees. Grabbing her white converses she wore them quickly before grabbing her black purse. Walking to her bathroom again, she let her curly hair fall over her shoulders, satisfied at how defined her curls were already, she didn't mind using any products on them. Stepping out of her room, she closed the door shut behind her.

Walking in front of her step brother's room, she knocked twice before waiting for him to answer in silence. After a few seconds, Davin opened the door for her. His hair was messy and his face tired. Rachel wondered where he has been to for the last two weeks.

"Davin, we need to talk. Can I come in?"

She finally spoke, when Davin simply nodded at her, she walked inside his room and walked to his messy bed before sitting on it, inviting him to seat next to her.

"Where are you going?" He asked after seating next to her on the bed when he saw the way she was dressed.

"I'll tell you later. Listen I came here because I miss you, I truly do." She said as she met his eyes.

"I know that I wasn't the perfect sister for you these last weeks but I'm here because I want you to forgive me if I ever did something that hurt you... I'm truly sorry Davin. Please stop being so cold to me I honestly can't handle it anymore. I miss our old times where we could spend some time together and laugh hysterically about stupid things..." she added.

Davin simply looked at his sister before scratching the back of his head. A small smile escaped his lips making Rachel feel relieved. The truth is that, he missed her too but he didn't know how to talk to her after their discussions about Elijah; and he was more than happy to see how courageous Rachel was to take the first step and apologize.

"Come here." He simply whispered as he took her off guard and pulled her in for a tight hug.

Hugging him back, Rachel closed her eyes to the familiar feeling she missed so much, just being there in the arms of the ones she loved the most like Davin.

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