Chapter 2

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(A/n)This chapter is suppose to be sad, so just watch this when your done to cheer you up.
*9 months later*
Brookly's POV.
I had just woke up and in the distance I saw a blue and green planet, "Computer" I said glumly. "Yes Mistress Brookly?" " What planet is this? " " This planet is known as Earth. It is made of 71% water. It's native species is Humans. " said the computer in a very feminine monotone voice. "Are there any Sayians here?" " Yes, there is 2 full Sayians and 3 half Sayians. "

" Bring us down". On the outside I wore a cool and stoic expression, but in the inside I was so relived.

(Time skip * about an hour later)
I was flying to "The lookout" as I was told it was called. "This should be where Kami is." I said out loud. When I got there I saw people, so I flew away. Why did I fly away you may ask. Well, I didn't want no one to know I'm here. So, while I was flying I felt my water break and an extreme wave of pain washed over me.

So I descended into a near by forest and leaned against a tree, in till my legs gave out. All of the sudden I felt the erge to push so I did. (Little A/n: So I don't know how child birth goes I just looked up how long it usually takes.)

(Time skip *2 hours later*)
I sat there holding my new born baby girl trying to calm her down. Then she stopped crying, I realized she had fallen asleep, so I walked to a nearby stream and cleaned her off and wrapped her in the jacket I was wearing, when all of sudden there was a loud boom. I turned around only to see one of Freiza's men, Ice. Before I even thought, I asked, "Why are you here!?" " Well lady Brookly, Freiza sent me to retrieve the baby, so this is what's gonna happen. I'm gonna take the baby and leave you here, but if you won't corporate I will be forced to kill you and then take the baby."

"Your not gonna take my daughter you ugly pink and white lizard!" I sat her down and lunged at Ice so fast I actually broke his neck. His lifeless body fell to the ground. I picked up my daughter and flew away, but I didn't notice the big gash on the back of my head in till I started getting woozy, so I felt the back of my head and I saw blood on it. I realized I was going to die, so I found the nearest orphanage and knocked on the door and sat my baby girl down with a note pinned to the jacket that said,
"Dear who ever is reading this, this is my daughter, (Y/n), please take good care of her. She was born today."

Then I ran off and passed out in an alley way and woke up in front of this giant red guy with white horns (King Yemma).

Then I ran off and passed out in an alley way and woke up in front of this giant red guy with white horns (King Yemma)

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Ms.Lisa's POV.
I was sitting behind my desk when I heard a loud knock at the door. I got up to answer it, but when I opened the door all I saw was a little baby wrapped in a blue jacket with a note pinned to it. So, I took the baby inside and read the note. After I read the note I fed (Y/n) and put her to bed.
-591 words

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